Healthcare UI/UX Design

6 UI/UX Elements You Need to Fix in Your Healthcare Application

A good UI designer app in healthcare reduces friction, eliminates errors, and ensures a seamless user experience. Our team can help you with a robust healthcare app by accommodating UX design app aspects for your healthcare product or service. Get in touch with us today.


It takes just seconds for a user to form an opinion about an app. That determines whether they like the digital solution or not- and that, in turn, determines whether they’ll stay or leave. As common as it is to say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” digital healthcare applications are subject to snap judgements that immediately influence perceptions of credibility. Why? It’s a simple matter of choice. With nearly 350,000 health apps available in the market, users have many solutions. 

While looks matter, it’s the seamless user experience that truly wins hearts. Thus, crafting a balanced UI/UX design is essential. So, let’s dive in and explore the critical UI/UX elements that can transform your healthcare app, making it both intuitive and impactful.

Discover how UI/UX is revolutionizing care delivery in our Blog: The Role of UI/UX in Healthcare Technology

Challenges Associated with the UI UX Design in Healthcare Apps

A good UI UX design healthcare app enhances the usability and credibility of a digital healthcare product and service, empowering users to make informed decisions. 

However, creating healthcare web apps differs from creating apps for other business sectors. One of the most critical challenges is that the UX UI design of the web app should cater to the different types of users and their needs. Doctors, patients, admin staff, care coordinators, etc., use the app simultaneously but with different needs. Further, a substantial portion of the user base might have a medical condition that can impede their ability to use the app. 

For example, a user with vision issues might not be able to see the small fonts clearly. So, a healthcare web app should be accessible, intuitive, and inclusive to cater to a diverse target audience for optimal user experience. Let’s check out essential features of a good UI UX design to offer a seamless user interface in a healthcare app

Features of Good UI UX Design

User experience can make or break an app’s success. As precision and time are essential in healthcare, an intuitive interface is crucial.. The UI UX design in healthcare apps should enable users to understand how to use the app quickly and efficiently. Now, let’s dive into the features of good UI UX design that can truly enhance a user’s journey.

(a) User-friendly Design

As a healthcare app might offer numerous services, building one that is pretty straightforward to navigate is essential. App developers should keep the intuitive user experience as a top priority because poor UX can frustrate users and compel them to abandon the web app. Ultimately, the goal is that users should keep using the app and stick to your product or solution. 

(b) Efficient Task Completion

Whether booking an appointment or monitoring vital signs, the web-based app design should allow users to complete their tasks efficiently and quickly. A minimalist and uncluttered design ensures that users don’t have to go through complex steps or try understanding  misleading graphics to achieve a simple task. A simple UI designer app provides optimal user experience and satisfaction. 

(c) Visual Appeal and Engagement

While we recommend a simple UI design, it should be visually attractive as it is the first thing a user notices when interacting with the app. Visuals, colours, fonts, etc., are essential engagement factors as they can set a positive mood and deliver the right message. In context to the medical industry, use soothing visual elements in blue, green, or pink tones to make the app pleasing to the eyes. 

(d) Clear and Organized Information Presentation

Along with visuals and colours, how you present information in the app defines the usability of the app. A clean layout with visible and conveniently located information empowers the accessibility of the healthcare app. For example, if a patient wants to book an appointment but needs help finding the schedule button, it can lead to a poor user experience and losing a valuable customer. Ensure placing information correctly to help users find what they want without annoyance. 

(e) Consistency and Familiarity

Keeping all design elements uniform in the user interface helps users become familiar with the app. Consistency validates user’s assumptions about the user experience of a particular task, giving them a sense of control. Button placements, layout, font, and colour schemes are a few elements that should be consistent throughout the app. 

If you place navigation sections within the app’s footer on screen 1, ensure it is placed in the footer throughout all screens. Changing elements to make your screens different will confuse users and make them uncomfortable using the app.

(f) Error Prevention and Recovery

Users might commit errors when they use the app–either by mistake or unfamiliarity with its functioning. In such cases, UX apps should be based on the user’s expectations and mental models or provide clear guidance to perform a particular task. Learn about the most common error states and offer suggestions to minimise the possibility of errors or recover from them, reducing friction in the UX application.

Ready to create a health app that stands out? Get our Insider’s Guide to Designing Digital Health Software now! 

6 UI UX Elements You Need to Fix in Your Healthcare Application

While a good UI UX design web is essential, some functional elements can make or break your app. Take a look at the features in your healthcare app and ensure it has the below features for a smooth user experience. 

1. Responsive Design

As users can access web applications from any device, building a responsive web app that offers different screen orientations and smart devices is essential. They should be able to use and read the information on small and large screens, ensuring scalable typography, multiple lighting conditions and flexible images. The user experience should be smooth and consistent even if users switch devices. 

2. Cross- browser  Compatibility

A healthcare app should perform well  and look great on all browsers, regardless of whether users use Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, or anything else. Keeping the code simple and reusable can minimise mistakes and mitigate challenges associated with testing multiple screens. Don’t forget to validate the code, as it can help debug the UI UX app.

Further, cloud-based browser testing can make cross-border testing for multiple browsers quick and efficient. Keeping track of issues and using browser specific developer tools can make it easier to fix  CSS style inconsistencies and enhance user experience. 

3. Progressive Web App (PWA) Features

Progressive web app features offer a seamless and native mobile app-like experience. PWAs bring native mobile app benefits to web browsers and provide a better user experience than a traditional UI mobile app design. These features can work offline using service workers, send push notifications, and access the app from the home screen, enabling users to perform actions swiftly. 

4. Accessible to All User Groups

Along with intuitive design, create a web app different user groups can seamlessly use, including patients with disabilities. For example, high-contrast fonts, audio suggestions, or keyboard accessibility can help users with visual or hearing difficulties perform a task within the app interface design. Additionally, compliance with accessibility standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act enhances the credibility of the digital health solution.

Accessibility matters! Ensure your digital health solution reaches everyone. Find out how with our guide on Accessibility in Healthcare Tech

5. Web-based Security with HTTPS and SSL

As the healthcare industry operates around sensitive and highly confidential data, the web app’s security is paramount. Moreover, interoperability standards demand secure access and integration. Ensure implementation of HTTPS protocols and SSL certificates to keep user data safe and protect the app from data leaks and cyberattacks. Deploy best security practices, including data encryption and secure storage. 

6. Advanced Features

Modern features like browser-based notifications, bookmark synchronisation, personalised notification management, etc., can encourage users to interact more with the UX application. Giving control to users on how they manage their tasks or notifications and convenience makes using the app enjoyable, increasing user satisfaction. 

7. From Theory to Practice

We’ve explored the critical UI/UX elements every healthcare app should possess. Now, let’s see these principles come alive with a closer look at Healthily, an app that has seamlessly integrated these concepts.

Equip yourself with the best UI/UX tools. Check out our recommended toolkit to enhance your design process today

A health guide and self-care checker app, Healthily uses AI chatbot to provide assistance to users. The search bar is right on the top of the screen for users to type to queries instantly when they open the app, avoiding too much scrolling. It has a clear layout with a simple navigation menu and a perfect blend of green and white colour tones that are pleasing to the eye.


The primary goal is to make a healthcare app accessible to each potential user and provide a seamless experience. A clear and intuitive UX UI design web for a healthcare app empowers different stakeholders to streamline their tasks hassle-free. 

When developing a digital health solution, it’s imperative to take a critical look at the UI/UX design provided. Evaluating these aspects and discussing optimization strategies with your healthcare web application developer can be pivotal in elevating the user experience.

We ensure functionality, accessibility, and security for your web-based healthcare app to help you offer the best app interface design. Find out more about Montar Healthtech’s custom digital solutions and software for UI design to get the right consultation on designing a healthcare app. Get in touch with us today.

Key Takeaways

  1. Building healthcare web-based apps can be challenging as the diverse needs of a wider target audience are involved.
  2. A good UX UI design web is critical for a healthcare app to provide a seamless user experience and increase customer satisfaction.
  3. Intuitive design, appealing visuals, clear and organised information presentation, consistent elements, etc., are features of a good UI UX design app.
  4. Ensure responsive design, cross-border compatibility, HTTPS and SSL certification integration, progressive web app features, and other UI elements to boost healthcare app functionality.
  5. Strauss Healthcareo ffers a range of custom digital solutions, including software for UI design, to help you build cutting-edge healthcare solutions.


Dr. Aakash Doshi

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