AI in Healthcare

From Sci-Fi to Reality: AI’s Dramatic Uprising in Healthcare

The global AI healthcare market, valued at $36.1 billion in 2021, is projected to surge to $600.2 billion by 2028, signifying a revolutionary shift in the industry. AI is transforming healthcare through various applications, such as improving diagnosis and treatment accuracy, enhancing patient care, and streamlining operations. Technologies like Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning are central to these advancements, optimising patient-centric care delivery, chronic disease management, and medical research. Additionally, AI is reshaping insurance processes and government healthcare policy-making. Despite its potential, challenges like data privacy and ethical concerns persist, necessitating collaborative efforts for future growth and regulation in the AI healthcare sector.


Valued at $36.1 billion in 2021, the global AI healthcare market is set for a meteoric rise, projected to hit $600.2 billion by 2028.

The explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in healthcare has been nothing short of extraordinary, marking a pivotal shift in the industry. It’s not just an evolution; it’s a revolution, reshaping everything from patient care to the very infrastructure of healthcare systems.

“From personalised treatment plans to streamlined operations, AI is  turning data into decisions and predictions into progress. As we leverage AI, we’re not just changing how we do healthcare; we’re changing what healthcare can do,” says Dr Aakash Doshi, CEO of Montar HealthTech. 

This powerful wave of change, driven by AI, is touching every corner of the field – insurance, government agencies, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and the rapidly growing sector of health tech companies. This blog explores the depth and breadth of AI’s impact across the industry.

Want to dive deeper into creating impactful healthcare web applications? Continue your journey with our blog, The Digital Shift: Mastering Web Software Development in Healthcare.’ Discover how effective, customised healthcare software can benefit your organization, and learn the key considerations for building efficient enterprise software tailored to your healthcare business needs

4 Ways AI Is Transforming Healthcare

As we delve into the myriad ways AI revolutionises healthcare, it’s crucial to understand the foundational technologies driving this transformation. 

Algorithms like Natural Language Processing (NLP) empower machines to comprehend and interpret human language, a critical skill for automating patient communication and analysing vast repositories of medical literature. Meanwhile, 

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms teach computers to identify patterns and make predictions from large and complex datasets, providing invaluable insights for diagnosis, treatment planning, and epidemiological studies. 

In this section, we’ll explore how these sophisticated AI technologies are applied in various healthcare scenarios, radically changing the landscape of medical care, research, and administration.

1) Patient-centred care delivery

AI’s role in healthcare extends to several critical areas, enhancing patient care and healthcare delivery:

(a) Diagnosis and Treatment Optimization: AI excels in interpreting complex patient data, including medical history, test results, and imaging scans, to enhance diagnosis accuracy and speed. This leads to the identification of conditions that might be overlooked otherwise. In treatment planning, AI considers disease progression and genetic factors to recommend the most effective treatment strategies.

For example, IBM Watson Health uses AI to analyse medical data and assist in diagnosing diseases, particularly in oncology. It helps doctors identify treatment options based on a patient’s genetic profile and the latest medical research.

(b) Improving Healthcare Access: AI-driven chatbots are pivotal in expanding healthcare reach, especially in areas with limited medical resources. These chatbots facilitate remote medical consultations, chronic condition monitoring, and mental health support, bridging the gap in healthcare accessibility.

For example, Woebot and Wysa offer mental health support through conversation, helping users manage anxiety and depression. These chatbots use cognitive-behavioural techniques and can assist 24/7.

(c) Enhanced Chronic Disease Management: AI analyses blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and medication adherence data to detect trends indicating changes in a chronic condition. This enables tailored treatment adjustments and lifestyle recommendations for better disease management and complication prevention.

(d) Addressing Workforce Challenges: AI alleviates the burden on healthcare staff by automating routine tasks like appointment scheduling, medical record processing, and patient triaging. This allows professionals to concentrate on critical aspects of patient care and decision-making.

(e) Accelerating Medical Research: AI’s ability to process vast datasets from clinical trials and studies uncovers new insights, aiding researchers in understanding diseases, developing novel therapies, and enhancing patient care.

(f) Empowering Patient Self-Care: AI-powered applications and wearables provide patients with tools to monitor health metrics, manage medications, and receive instant feedback. This fosters a proactive approach to health management, supporting patients and healthcare providers to track health conditions.

The Apple Watch uses AI algorithms to monitor heart rates and detect irregularities, such as atrial fibrillation. These wearables can alert users to potential health issues for early intervention.

(g) Advancing Preventive Healthcare: AI’s predictive capabilities can identify individuals at risk of developing certain conditions based on their health data, lifestyle, and medical history. Early intervention with personalised care and preventive measures can significantly improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

(h) Provides Digital Consultation: Advancements in deep learning have enabled users to make more informed decisions. Instead of generating randomised questions, Artificial Intelligence can learn from several real-world use cases to ask about the patient’s health record. It has also become more accessible to answer patient’s queries through NLP.

(i) Enables Robotic Assistance: AI-powered robots are now being used in various specialised fields of medicine and surgery to help doctors and surgeons perform intricate procedures and surgeries.  AI-enabled robots that efficiently mimic human work have dramatically improved efficiency and effectiveness in the healthcare sector. 

2) AI in Insurance and Administrative Efficiency

The insurance sector benefits immensely from AI through streamlined claim processing, fraud detection, and personalised policy creation. By analysing vast datasets, AI can predict trends, assess risks, and customise insurance plans, making the industry more efficient and customer-friendly.

For example, Nayya uses AI to handle claims efficiently and quickly. Their AI-powered chatbots can process claims and even make payouts almost instantly. These technologies help insurers assess risks more accurately and offer personalised plans.

3) Government Agencies: Enhanced Policy Making and Public Health Management

Government health agencies use AI for public health surveillance, policy-making, and managing large-scale health programs. AI assists in analysing population health data, identifying potential epidemics, and informing evidence-based policy decisions.

For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses AI to track disease outbreaks and predict their spread. Another example is the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS), which employs AI in various capacities, including analysing patient data to optimise resource allocation. These applications of AI assist in making informed public health decisions and managing large-scale health programs more effectively.

4) Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences: Accelerating Drug Discovery and Research

In pharmaceuticals and life sciences, AI is a game-changer. It speeds up drug discovery, models complex biological processes, and personalises medicine. AI algorithms analyse chemical and physical interactions at unprecedented speeds, reducing the time and cost of developing new drugs.

DeepMind, an AI subsidiary of Alphabet (Google’s parent company), has made breakthroughs in protein folding, crucial for understanding diseases and developing new drugs. Similarly, Atomwise uses AI for drug discovery, utilising algorithms to predict how different chemical compounds will react to disease.

Challenges and Future Directions 

While AI’s potential in healthcare is immense, challenges such as data privacy, ethical concerns, and the need for robust regulatory frameworks remain. The future will likely see more collaborative efforts between technologists, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to maximise the pros of AI while mitigating its risks.


AI’s role in the healthcare industry is expansive and evolving. Its capacity to analyse, predict, and innovate is revolutionising each sector it touches. As we continue to harness its power, AI promises to lead us into a future where healthcare is more efficient, effective, and personalised.

Ready to see the future of personalised healthcare? Transitioning from the wonders of AI, delve into the world of health tech that’s reshaping care through digital solutions. Ready to take your health tech idea to the next level? Make an informed decision with our latest blog, “Your Guide to Choosing the Best Healthcare IT Services Company’ Gain valuable insights on selecting the right team or company to turn your vision into a successful digital health solution!

Explore Montar HealthTech, where vast industry experience meets cutting-edge technology to offer custom-tailored healthcare experiences. Discover how we are transforming patient care today!

Key Takeaways

  1. AI significantly improves diagnosis, treatment, and chronic disease management in healthcare.
  2. AI-driven chatbots and applications are enhancing healthcare access and patient self-care.
  3. AI streamlines claim processing and fraud detection in insurance, offering personalised policies.
  4. AI aids government agencies in public health surveillance and policy-making.
  5. AI accelerates drug discovery in pharmaceuticals, personalising medicine and reducing development time.
Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani

Published by
Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani

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