Hospital Management System

Software requirement specification for hospital management system

Hospital Management Systems (HMS) is crucial in optimising operational efficiency and patient care. An accurate Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is needed to develop an HMS platform to ensure team alignment. Montar Healthtech, specialising in healthcare software, creates tailored SRS documents to meet specific HMS requirements efficiently.


With the aim of enhancing patient care and operational efficiency, healthcare facilities globally are increasingly adopting Hospital Management Systems (HMS). Reflecting this trend, the hospital management software market is projected to grow from USD 121.5 billion in 2022 to USD 721.5 billion by 2033, at a CAGR of 17.58%. Considering HMS for your facility? This article delves into the crucial Software Requirement Specification (SRS) needed for effective HMS development.

What is SRS? Why is it Important?

To understand the importance of SRS, consider a cautionary tale from NASA. In 1999, the Mars Climate Orbiter was lost due to a miscommunication over measurement units, costing $125 million.

Dr. Aakash Doshi, CEO of Montar HealthTech, notes, “This incident underscores the vital role of clear and precise specifications in software development. It’s not just about avoiding errors; it’s about ensuring successful and efficient project completion.”

Such mishaps emphasise the critical need for thorough SRS in software development. SRS is a detailed guide for the development team, outlining the software’s goals, design, features, and functionalities. It aligns the team and client on the project’s direction, minimising the risks of misunderstandings and the consequent costly reworks. In short, SRS is the blueprint that dictates how software should be developed, paving the way for clarity and precision in the implementation process.

SRS for Hospital Management System

The SRS for HMS development includes:

  1. Interface requirements
  2. Functional requirements
  3. Nonfunctional requirements

Interface requirements

This section defines how your software interacts with other components and covers hardware, software, system, and user interfaces.

User interfaces involve patients, doctors, and admin in the case of HMS.

  • Patients can view health records, book appointments, make hospital admissions, receive discharge summaries and pay bills.
  • Doctors can view patients’ health records, test reports, and prescriptions.
  • Admin can register users, assign doctors for consultation or emergencies, assign ICU/CCU, and issue discharge summaries and prescriptions.

Functional Requirements

This section specifies what the solution should perform, covering features and user interactions. Handling everything from patient check-ins to consultations and report generation, the HMS tackles many of the hospital’s functional needs.

  • Registration – HMS assigns a special ID that tags the patient throughout his/her journey in the hospital while avoiding the repetitive form-filling by other departments like diagnostics, pharmacy, etc. The automated integration of health data from all departments through ID can build transparency, infuse efficiency, and save time and costs.
  • Patient checkout – During checkout, HMS ensures all the necessary boxes are ticked before closing the case. Hospitals can choose to keep that ID for future visits or start fresh with a new one by deleting the ID.
  • Report generation – From patient-related details to administrative records, HMS is a whiz at compiling information and generating varied reports in a jiffy. With everything flowing through HMS, hospitals can easily access the data they need, making patient care and hospital management smoother.
  • Database – A database is like a vault, keeping patient information safe, organised, and instantly retrievable when needed. HMS makes recording and storing data easier, ensuring accurate information.

Here’s an example of activities that come under the functional requirements of HMS:

1. Registration:

  • Users sign up with personal details to acquire a user ID and password.
  • They log in using the provided user ID and password to access the HMS.

2. Appointment Booking:

  • After verifying the doctor’s availability, the users book an appointment slot and receive an appointment ID.
  • They select a preferred online payment gateway, enter payment details, and generate a receipt.

3. View health records during the consultation:

  • Patients upload medical history, hospitalisation details, test reports, and prescriptions linked to the patient ID for the consulting doctor’s review.
  • They can check the entire patient list or search using patient ID to view reports or prescriptions.

4. Being admitted to the emergency ward or hospitalised:

  • Patients are allocated to an available ICU/CCU based on the severity of their medical condition upon admission.
  • Expenses from admission till present are recorded under the patient ID for billing purposes.
  • Upon bill settlement, patients are discharged and provided with a discharge certificate.

5. Ordering online medicines:

  • Patients upload a new prescription or select one from their health record, subject to verification by the pharmacy.
  • They generate an order ID based on medicine availability.
  • Patients choose a preferred online payment gateway, enter payment details, complete the transaction, and obtain a payment receipt.

Non-functional requirements

This section specifies how the software should perform, covering aspects listed below:

  • Usability – A user-friendly interface is crucial in hospitals for smooth operations and staff comprehension. It boosts productivity, reduces learning curves, and minimises errors in data entry and navigation. An optimised HMS should adhere to UI/UX tips like logical menu organisation, auto-complete and marked input fields implementation for efficient data entry, and uniform functionality across desktop and mobile interfaces.
  • Security – Since hospitals deal with loads of hospital data, the HMS should ensure robust data protection by implementing data encryption and usage control, role-based access control to vulnerable data, and HL7 standard integration for secure data transmission. It should also follow strict data privacy rules by hanging out on cloud servers and keeping sensitive information safe from cyber sneaks.

To find out more about data security and privacy in using digital health solutions, read our detailed blog: Prioritising Data Security: Preventing Breaches in Your Healthcare App for User Privacy and Trust.

  • Performance – HMS should improve the speed and efficiency of routine hospital activities, from handling patient visits to billing. Additionally, it should give users specific controls, letting them handle what they need without fuss.
  • Reliability – HMS should be highly resilient, rarely having those tech hiccups that throw everything off track. Even if the internet takes a break, HMS should continue its offline work and ensure data safety with a highly instinctive interface.
  • Compliance and Legal Requirements – The HMS should adhere to regional and international regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), etc. These regulations are put in place to secure the user’s personal information. At the same time, one should know that the absence of regulatory-compliant services can impede HMS software development.
  • Integration with Other Systems – For an effective HMS, it’s vital for integration with existing healthcare systems, EHR platforms, and third-party services. This seamless integration facilitates smooth data exchange, enhances workflows, and fosters collaboration among departments, empowering healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and enhance patient outcomes.

 Learn more about building connected digital health ecosystems through our detailed blog: Interconnected Care: The Journey to a Unified Digital Ecosystem.

  • System Maintenance and Support – Regular updates resolve testing issues, introduce new features, and bolster security. Detailed error logging aids troubleshooting and improves system stability. Automated backups safeguard against data loss or corruption, accompanied by swift recovery mechanisms for restoring the system code infrastructure if a device is lost or stolen.


A well-structured Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is integral to successful HMS development. This detailed approach in SRS preparation paves the way for a user-friendly, secure, compliant, and seamlessly integrated HMS, ultimately enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery. The right SRS can be the difference between a system that merely functions and one that flourishes, driving the mission of efficient, effective, patient-centred care forward.

At Montar Healthtech, we recognise its significance as a guiding roadmap for developers and stakeholders, delineating software functions, technical specifics, and user requirements. We offer comprehensive SRS creation as part of full-cycle projects or standalone discovery phases. Our adept business analysts swiftly gather and create a precise SRS upon understanding your business concept. For those valuing the indispensable role of the SRS in HMS development, we encourage you to reach out to us for expert assistance.

Key Takeaways

  1. Traditional daily activities and hospital paperwork management are time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. Hospital management systems (HMS) can help hospitals function seamlessly.
  2. To implement HMS, software requirement specification (SRS) is needed to ensure everyone in the team is on the same page, leaving little room for misunderstanding and confusion.
  3. Montar Healthtech, an expert in healthcare software development, can craft the perfect SRS to fit your unique HMS needs.
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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