Healthcare IT

What Is Health Tech And Why Does It Matter?

Health tech includes any technology that makes healthcare delivery smarter, faster, and more accessible. It offers unparalleled benefits to patients and providers, enhancing care, efficiency, and outcomes. With AI, telehealth, wearables, 3D printing, VR/AR, and blockchain, the future is bright and full of potential. These technologies promise to make healthcare more personalised, accessible, and practical, cementing the invaluable role of health tech in our lives. As we embrace these advancements, we step into a new era of healthcare where technology and well-being go hand in hand.


In a small rural town, where the nearest hospital was over 50 miles away, telemedicine became a lifesaver.  A young woman, frequently misdiagnosed, finally found answers thanks to AI-driven diagnostics. A marathon runner equipped with a wearable health monitor was alerted to irregular heart patterns during a training session. These are real people reaping the real-world effects of health tech. 

Unsurprisingly, providers and patients benefit from adopting health tech, an industry that is showing remarkable growth. By 2030, the digital healthcare market is poised to reach around $809.2 billion in revenue! 

“Everywhere you look, companies are tapping into the digital arena like never before. They’re not just updating systems, building software and providing solutions using health tech to revolutionise the way we approach care, to keep up with this digital wave,” says Kumar Gururajan, CTO of Montar Health Tech. 

While it sounds exciting, it’s natural for some to remain sceptical. After all, healthcare has always been a person-driven industry. Is health tech just a passing trend? Or is medical technology worth it in the long run? Let’s find out in this deep dive! 

What is health tech?

Health tech includes any technology that makes healthcare delivery smarter, faster, and more accessible. From EHRs and hospital management systems to remote monitoring, AI and robotics, the applications of this software are broad and far-reaching. 

Health tech is a more inclusive term covering all technological applications in healthcare, including even broader concepts like healthcare data analytics and AI in healthcare. Medical technology is a large part of health tech and includes devices, equipment, and software used directly in medical care and diagnostics. For example, medical devices like pacemakers, imaging machines like MRI scanners, and even software are used for medical data analysis. 

Importance of Health Tech: Why does it matter?

Health tech significantly impacts patient care, healthcare providers, and the healthcare system.

  • Patient Benefits : Health tech enhances patient care and accessibility. Patients enjoy convenient access to healthcare services through telemedicine and mobile health apps. Improved health tech tools also mean patients are more engaged and informed about their health, leading to better health outcomes.
  • Healthcare Providers’ Benefits: Health tech offers tools for better diagnosis and treatment planning for healthcare providers. Advanced diagnostics, aided by AI, enable more accurate and quicker diagnoses. EHRs streamline patient information management, improving care coordination.
  • System-Wide Impacts:On a systemic level, health tech contributes to efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Automated processes reduce administrative burdens, and data analytics help allocate resources and predict healthcare trends.

Features of sound health tech

While health tech differs across various sectors in the healthcare industry, there are a few features that will differentiate good tech from great ones. These include

a. Design and user experience

Well-designed interfaces improve adoption and compliance, making it easier for both patients and healthcare providers to use these technologies effectively. Good UI-UX ensures that the technology is accessible, intuitive, and user-friendly, which is essential for widespread acceptance and utilisation. By focusing on the user’s needs and experiences, health tech can achieve its full potential in improving healthcare delivery.

Find out how UI/UX can be implemented seamlessly into your next digital health solution through our informative blog: The Role of UI/UX in Healthcare Technology.

b. Customisation

Custom software development allows for greater flexibility, enabling healthcare organisations to incorporate specific functionalities that standard software may not offer. This customisation leads to more efficient workflows and improved patient care. It can even facilitate new types of treatment or diagnostics that were previously not possible with off-the-shelf solutions.

Learn how custom software development is changing the game in healthcare with our next blog.

c. Mobile solutions

Mobile health tech is important because it allows patients and healthcare providers to stay connected and manage health care more effectively from anywhere. 

Key features to look out for include: 

  • Data Security: Robust encryption and privacy controls.
  • Integration Capabilities: Compatibility with other health systems like EHRs.
  • Real-Time Communication: Enable instant messaging or video calls.
  • Remote Monitoring: Track patient health data from wearables or sensors.

Want to know how to develop your next mobile health app? Read our step-by-step guide here.

d. Integration and Interoperability

Software integration in health tech is key to creating cohesive, efficient, and effective healthcare ecosystems. This offers

  • Enhanced Data Management: Integrated software systems enable better handling and sharing of patient data across different platforms, improving care coordination.
  • Increased Efficiency: By reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing errors, integrated systems streamline healthcare workflows, saving time and resources.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: With seamless data flow, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions, leading to better patient care.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Integration allows healthcare systems to easily adapt and expand, accommodating new technologies and growing patient needs.

Connected systems provide better care. Find out how your next digital health solution can remain interoperable and integrated with other software to improve service delivery.

Future Trends: Latest Developments in Medical Technology

From AI’s impact on diagnosis to wearable tech becoming part of our daily lives, it’s clear that advancements are transforming healthcare. Let’s explore their real-world implications.

1. AI and Machine Learning: AI in healthcare is advancing rapidly, offering more nuanced interpretations of complex medical data. These AI systems are becoming vital for predicting diseases, tailoring treatments to individual patients, and assisting in complex surgical procedures.

2. Telehealth Expansion: Telehealth is quickly growing beyond simple video consultations. It now includes features like remote monitoring and AI-powered diagnostics, broadening the scope of healthcare to reach even the most remote areas.

3. Wearable Tech: Wearables are evolving past basic fitness tracking. Future devices are expected to monitor critical health metrics like real-time blood sugar levels, providing essential alerts to patients and doctors.

4. 3D Printing: The potential of 3D printing in medicine is vast, extending to creating customised prosthetic limbs and exploring the possibilities of organ transplants.

5. Virtual and Augmented Reality: These technologies are reshaping medical training, offering realistic simulations for doctors. They also hold great promise for patient education and therapeutic interventions, enhancing both learning and treatment experiences.

6. Blockchain: This offers a secure, decentralised way of storing and sharing medical records. It creates a tamper-proof ledger of health data, enhancing privacy and security. For patients, this means greater control over their medical information. For healthcare providers, blockchain enables the secure exchange of data across different systems, improving coordination and efficiency of care. Its implementation could reduce fraud, streamline administrative processes, and ensure data integrity, significantly transforming healthcare data management.


Every advancement in health tech-  from AI to blockchain, is a step towards a future where healthcare is more connected, efficient and personalised. As we navigate this digital wave, it’s exciting to think: What will health tech do next? Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.

If you want to learn about health technology and software development, contact the experienced team at Montar HealthTech for clear ideation and a step-wise process to creating your future digital health solution.

Key Takeaways

  1. Real-world effects of health tech are significantly improving patient care.
  2. The digital healthcare market is experiencing remarkable growth, with substantial revenue projections.
  3. Health tech includes many technologies, from EHRs to AI, enhancing healthcare delivery.
  4. Health tech tools aid in better diagnosis and treatment planning for healthcare providers.
  5. System-wide, health tech contributes to efficiency and cost-effectiveness in healthcare.
  6. Good UI/UX design, customisation, and mobile solutions are crucial features in health tech.
  7. Integration and interoperability in software are key for effective healthcare systems.
  8. Future trends like AI, telehealth, and blockchain are set to transform healthcare further.
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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