Healthcare UI/UX Design

7 Key UI/UX Tools for Your HealthTech Project

7 Key UI/UX Tools for Your HealthTech Project

Effective UX/UI design is crucial in healthcare, significantly enhancing user engagement and driving business growth. Selecting the right design tools is essential, with factors like user-friendliness, collaboration capabilities, and integration with other tools being key. Various tools offer unique features to meet diverse design needs, ensuring compliance, reducing errors, and increasing user satisfaction. In the realm of health tech, a well-crafted UI/UX is indispensable for creating successful digital health solutions.


Maya Angelou once said, 'People will never forget how you made them feel.' This sentiment is pivotal in UX design, especially in healthcare. How your software engages users, from easy navigation to fulfilling their needs, creates lasting impressions and drives engagement. 

Companies that focus on UX design see at least twice the growth of their peers. To achieve this, an array of UX/UI design tools is available to craft wireframes, interactive mockups, and test user interfaces, ensuring your healthcare product not only meets but exceeds user expectations.

Dive deeper into the world of UI/UX in healthcare and discover how it's transforming patient and provider experiences. 

Decisions, Decisions: How to Choose the Right UI/UX tools for your digital health solution 

Before we dive into the best UI tools you can use, here are a few things you should consider

  • User-friendliness - Look for an intuitive interface, drag-and-drop features, pre-built templates, easy-to-learn, and efficient workflows

  • Collaboration - Features like real-time collaboration and integration with other design or development tools to  enhance productivity

  • Prototyping capabilities - Interactive mockups, user feedback integration, and real-time editing

Why is prototyping crucial for your digital healthcare product? This detailed guide explains the importance of prototyping and provides practical steps to create impactful digital healthcare solutions

  • Integrations with other tools - Crucial as it integrates with additional tools to streamline the design process, enhances collaboration, and ensures consistency across the board.

  • Customer support - Essential to resolve issues and enhance usability

  • Special considerations - Compliance with data security and HIPAA is crucial for protecting patient information, while integration with existing systems ensures seamless, efficient care delivery. 

Thinking of giving your healthcare app a facelift? Go beyond the insights shared in our main blog and discover the key strategies for a successful healthcare app redesign in this comprehensive guide.

“UI/UX is the lens through which we humanize every digital interaction in healthcare,” says Dr Aakash Doshi, CEO, Montar HealthTech. “So the right tools can make all the difference when designing the look and feel of your digital health solution.”

Here are our top 7 recommended tools for UX/UI design in healthcare, highlighting their strengths and unique features.

1. Sketch

Sketch stands out as a vector-based design app tailored exclusively for macOS, highly regarded in the UI/UX community for its comprehensive toolkit. It streamlines interface design and prototyping, offering features such as vector editing. This allows precise control over design elements. Its easy, intuitive prototyping aids in creating interactive models that users can test. The tool's shared libraries, styles, and components enhance consistency and collaboration across projects. These capabilities streamline the design process for designers, enabling them to create consistent prototypes quickly and meet deadlines efficiently.

2. Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud offers a suite of tools indispensable for UI/UX designers. Adobe XD, a tool from the Adobe Creative Cloud stable, is an invaluable resource for designing and prototyping healthcare interfaces. Adobe XD provides a seamless experience from wireframe to prototype, while other tools in the suite, like Photoshop and Illustrator, support intricate graphic design and asset creation. This integration allows for a fluid design process for crafting user-centric healthcare applications.

3. Figma

According to the 2022 UXtools survey, Figma was voted the most popular UI/UX design tool among professionals, with 81% of users using it as their design tool of choice.

Cloud-based collaboration and design features make Figma an indispensable tool for UI/UX designers. Its collaborative workspace enables teamwork, allowing designers to co-create and iterate on designs in real-time. Figma's prototyping capabilities further enhance collaboration, allowing the designers to create interactive prototypes and efficiently gather stakeholder feedback. 

4. InVision

InVision is a valuable UX/UI design tool as it combines advanced prototyping capabilities with intuitive tools, allowing the creation of interactive mockups. Its collaborative features support real-time communication and feedback sharing, vital for refining designs. InVision integrates with popular design and project management tools like Sketch, Figma, Jira, and Trello, streamlining the design process and efficiently connecting various stages of product development. These capabilities are helpful during health tech software design, where coordination and detailed prototyping are crucial.

5. Axure RP

Axure’s advanced prototyping and interaction design capabilities make it an indispensable tool for designers. It can help create dynamic, detailed prototypes with animations and conditional logic. This feature is beneficial in designing complex healthcare workflows, as intricate medical processes and patient interactions can be effectively simulated. Axure's ability to mimic real user experiences through interactive mockups positions it as a reliable resource to visualise and test sophisticated design concepts.

6. Marvel

Marvel, a user-friendly prototyping tool, is a dependable choice for UI/UX designers. Its intuitive interface and straightforward prototyping features make it easy to create high-quality prototypes without extensive design experience. This simplicity makes Marvel particularly suitable for healthcare entrepreneurs and clinic owners without dedicated design teams. By rapidly prototyping their healthcare app ideas, these individuals can gather user feedback and refine their designs before investing in full-scale development.

7. Balsamiq

Balsamiq, a wireframing tool known for its simplicity and focus on low-fidelity prototypes, has become popular among UI/UX designers. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and extensive library of pre-built wireframing elements enable rapid iteration and the creation of clear and concise wireframes. This focus on low-fidelity prototypes allows designers to visualise and communicate their ideas without getting bogged down in visual details, making it an ideal tool for early-stage design phases. 


“UX design has a direct correlation to user adoption, time to complete a task, reduction in errors, a decrease in support calls, and an overall increase in user satisfaction,” says Lorraine Chapman, VP of UX Consulting, Emids.

In healthcare, the right software design tools are key to crafting interfaces that resonate with users. They not only streamline efficiency but also ensure adherence to healthcare standards. Whether you choose Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Axure RP, or InVision, the ideal tool should align with your project's specific requirements. Remember, in the world of health tech, a well-designed UI/UX isn't just a feature—it's the heartbeat of user satisfaction and engagement.

At Montar Healthtech, we specialise in healthcare UX design to build custom software tailored to the unique needs of healthcare companies. Connect with us now.

Key Takeaways

  1. Memorable, easy-to-navigate UX in healthcare software is crucial for user engagement and drives company growth.
  2. Ideal UI/UX tools must be user-friendly, collaborative, support prototyping, integrate well, offer customer support, and comply with security standards.
  3. Among design tools, Sketch is known for its vector editing and intuitive prototyping, while Adobe XD offers seamless wireframing and integrates with Adobe Cloud tools, creating a formidable design solution.
  4. Figma’s cloud-based collaborative features enable real-time collaboration, and InVision integrates with design and project management tools for enhanced team communication. 
  5. Marvel and Axure RP excel at user-friendly prototyping, and Balsamiq focuses on simple, low-fidelity wireframes for rapid concept visualisation.
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Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani
Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani

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