Healthcare UI/UX Design

Design Thinking is a Game Changer in Digital Tech Development. Find out why!

Design Thinking is a Game Changer in Digital Tech Development. Find out why!

Design thinking plays a crucial role in developing digital health solutions. Human-centred design that focuses on user satisfaction and the iterative, non-linear process of design thinking. This approach includes empathising with users, defining problems, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. Collaboration, diverse perspectives, and flexibility work well in the development process. We need to start small and gradually integrate design thinking principles, with the option of partnering with expert teams for guidance. Design thinking is essential in creating effective, user-friendly digital health solutions in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.


With the digital health industry growing nearly 20% every year, what can healthcare companies do to make their technology solutions stand out? They need to create products that truly resonate with both patients and providers. The spotlight is firmly on user satisfaction, and the best way to gain that is through human-centred design (HCD). After all, "people ignore designs that ignore people".

As digital health solutions focus more on user needs and preferences, we can find more innovative ways to bring about user delight through design thinking. Theoretically, design thinking is defined as “a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test.” 

Design thinking is not just an abstract idea; it's a real-world strategy driving innovation and results in the healthcare industry. But how do we apply this concept practically and realistically to the hands-on development of a customised digital healthcare solution? 

Breaking Down Design Thinking 

So what is design thinking at its core? Simply put - it is a process to solve problems. However, instead of treating the creative and scientific methods as two different pathways to bring a digital health product to life, design thinking leverages both to enhance the development process.

Design Thinking

This approach not only leads to better collaboration between teams - it requires them to work well together. This becomes even more important as we think about a common problem leaders face -- ineffective workflows when cross-functional teams don’t coordinate. By making collaboration necessary, design thinking helps solve a part of this issue and contributes to smoother, more productive teamwork as people join forces. 

Developers deliver a better end-user experience while effectively addressing the problem that the digital health product or service was meant to solve.  The process generally involves five phases—Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. 

Design Thinking in healthcare technology

Alternatively, design thinking is also represented as a visual model that shows the process as a series of divergent and convergent phases showcased as 2 "diamonds."

Discover: In the first “Divergent” diamond, we focus on exploring and understanding the problem. This phase involves research to identify the right problem to solve while empathising and understanding the needs of users and stakeholders.

Define, Develop, and Deliver: The second diamond represents the “convergent” phase, where insights gained in the discovery phase are analysed. Specific solutions are developed and refined through prototyping and testing. It narrows down the “right” solution to the defined problem.

Design Thinking Applied in Health Tech Development 

The design thinking methodology can be applied to the ideation and development of any digital health solution, from web health applications and mobile health applications to health enterprise software or medical device software

Embrace the future of healthcare with mobile health apps. Click to understand their power and potential in modern medicine, and how to build a custom mHealth app with the right tech partner

While design thinking has shown tremendous success in the technology development process, understanding what actually takes place behind the scenes can help bring the advantages to the forefront. Imagine starting a journey to create an advanced digital health platform that is future-ready and adaptive to changes while staying useful and effective. Let’s take you through a design thinking approach to help bring this idea to life. 

Stage 1: Empathize—Research Your Users' Needs 

User Research Techniques Used for Successful Design Thinking:

  • Contextual Inquiries: Immerse yourself in users' environments to understand their needs in real-life situations.
  • Competition Analysis: Study similar products or services already in the market to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. It helps you identify lacunae that are not being addressed, allowing you to fill in the gap with your service and stand out. 
  • User Interviews: Engage in meaningful conversations to uncover insights and perspectives. 
  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Collect structured feedback to gain quantitative data on user preferences.
  • Ethnographic Research or Observational Studies: Watch users in action to identify pain points throughout their journey. 

Stage 2: Define—State Your Users' Needs and Problems 

Based on your research, you define the core problems. Organise and process the collected data to extract meaningful patterns and trends to narrow down possible digital product or service solutions that could help your target consumer. Product Strategy can help you evaluate how your product will achieve its goals, considering user needs and market trends. 

Stage 3: Ideate—Challenge Assumptions and Create Ideas

Now, you brainstorm ideas to address these problems. 

A few commonly used methods are:

  • Traditional Brainstorming: Ensure patients, caregivers, and stakeholders contribute, allowing diverse viewpoints to come up with solutions. 
  • Mind Mapping: Start with a central idea or problem statement and create a visual map of related concepts, ideas, and solutions branching out from it. 
  • Worst-Case Scenario: Encourage your team to think of the worst possible solutions. This often leads to innovative ideas when you reverse these negative scenarios into positive solutions.
  • Role Reversal: Have team members imagine themselves as different personas, such as patients of different age groups or health providers with varying digital literacy levels. This shifts perspectives and can lead to out-of-the-box ideas on adding features to your solution that make it more user-friendly and accessible to more people. 

Product Ideation helps refine creative concepts for new products or features. Applying User Experience Design can craft a seamless and enjoyable user journey while integrating User Interface Design can help create the ideal visual layout and elements for user interaction. 

Stage 4: Prototype—Start to Create Solutions 

Create scaled-down versions of your app's features or develop interactive prototypes of the design and offer them to target groups for testing and feedback.  

“Prototyping lets you take risks that you ordinarily wouldn't because the cost of failure is too high,” says  Lucas Artusi, Systems Designer at the Design Institute for Health, a first-of-its-kind institute founded in 2015 as a unique collaboration between the Dell Medical School and the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. 

Stage 5: Test—Try Your Solutions Out 

Gather feedback by letting potential users interact with your prototype. 

Common methods used in this stage could be: 

  • Usability Testing:  Real users try out your product while researchers observe. It helps identify areas where users struggle, giving you valuable feedback to improve user experience Prototype like a pro! Learn why and how to prototype your healthcare app for maximum impact.
  • Heuristic Analysis: Experts try out your product to identify issues based on established design principles (heuristics). This helps highlight potential problems people might face while using your product.

The product's readiness for use is ensured through rigorous testing solutions. Beyond functional testing, an assessment is made to confirm the proper functioning of the product's features. Testing automation software is employed to streamline repetitive testing tasks, especially when faced with tight timelines. The product's speed and responsiveness are evaluated through performance testing, and potential vulnerabilities and data privacy issues are identified through Security Testing. A Design Audit is conducted to evaluate design elements, aiming to enhance both visual appeal and functionality.

What is unique about this approach is that these stages are iterative and not strictly linear. The reality of digital health tech development is that after testing, users want additional features like a community forum. This could lead you to go back to the ideation stage to brainstorm and refine this new feature idea. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement.

By applying these design thinking stages to building a health app, you've created a human-centred solution that addresses users' needs by providing a valuable and effective tool.

Start building your custom healthcare app today. Click for insights on process, tools, and best practices in medical app development  

How to implement design thinking? 

As more organisations embrace design thinking, the question arises: how to introduce this mindset effectively when building your digital health solution? Here's a concise guide to championing design thinking:

  1. Start Small: Begin with small experiments to teach and practice the five phases of design thinking. Allow teams to gather data, test, and iterate gradually. Begin with a focused area or set aside regular time for skill development.
  2. Leverage Early Adopters: Identify those naturally inclined or motivated to learn and use them as advocates to spread the concept across departments.
  3. Cross-Disciplinary Approach: Design thinking thrives on diverse perspectives. Including people from different disciplines enhances creativity.
  4. Fluid Process: Understand that design thinking is non-linear and adaptable. So, allow flexibility for innovative solutions.

If diving into these processes on your own seems overwhelming, here’s an alternative: Team up with a specialised digital health technology partner. This collaboration offers more than just guidance—it's a way to make your journey effective and efficient. Montar knows the ins and outs of design thinking with experience in the healthcare industry. It may be a smoother way to weave a design thinking approach into your strategies.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital health, where innovation is the cornerstone of progress, the design thinking approach promises to be a game changer in developing and using technology solutions in healthcare. By placing users at the heart of the development process, design thinking ensures that your product is well received and used by their intended audiences- patients or providers. Every tap, every click, and every interaction becomes a testament to user-centred design, creating digital health solutions that are not only powerful but undeniably human.

Ready to design the next big digital health app? Get our exclusive step-by-step guide and expert insights. Click here to start your journey!

Service design will tremendously impact healthcare, and methods like design thinking can help your product stand out in an increasingly growing market. If you want to find out how design thinking can help elevate and amplify the effect of your digital health solution, reach out to the expert team at Montar Healthtech for consultations. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Human-centred design emphasises the creation of digital health solutions that deeply resonate with both patients and healthcare providers, ensuring their needs and preferences are at the forefront of development.
  2. Design thinking is an iterative process that involves a deep understanding of users, challenging existing assumptions, and fostering innovation at every step.
  3. The design thinking methodology involves five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test, each contributing to developing a well-rounded digital health solution.
  4. This strategy enhances teamwork and effectively addresses common issues related to coordination among cross-functional teams.
  5. Practical design thinking in digital health incorporates various user research techniques, including contextual inquiries, competition analysis, user interviews, surveys, and ethnographic studies.
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Dr. Aakash Doshi
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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