Healthcare UI/UX Design

Do’s and Don’ts of UI/UX Design for Hospital Management Systems

Do’s and Don’ts of UI/UX Design for Hospital Management Systems

Key do's for hospital management software UI entail ensuring easy navigation, enriching patient records and data, streamlining scheduling management, facilitating access to lab tests, and integrating real-time data. On the flip side, avoid overlooking mobile responsiveness, skipping dashboard customization, prioritising aesthetics over functionality, disregarding user feedback, and overcomplicating the software design.


Hospitals constantly juggle numerous tasks, from managing operations to ensuring optimal patient care. However, outdated or poorly designed hospital management systems can introduce inefficiencies and obstacles, hindering smooth operations. 

An effective Hospital Management Software (HMS) needs to be intuitive, compatible with various systems, and adaptable to future needs. Only then can it truly facilitate healthcare professionals in their daily tasks, minimizing frustrations and optimizing patient care.

A hospital's efficient functioning hinges on the synergy between its technical systems and the people who use them. While IT specialists often attribute medical errors to outdated software, providers and patients, the end users, know that there are many other factors as well. Things like UI/UX, hands-on training, complex steps and mobile responsiveness are often overlooked. 

“So, when building a digital health solution, we need to stay abreast not only of technological developments but also of the way people respond to them,” says Dr Aakash Doshi, CEO, Montar Healthtech. 

That’s why a user-centric approach is crucial to enhancing the overall performance of a hospital’s management software. Let’s delve into the crucial Do's and Don'ts for UI/UX design in hospital management systems, to ensure a harmonious balance between functionality and user-friendliness.

Hospital Management System UX Design: The Must-Do Steps  

Design an Interface for Easy Navigation 

Navigating a hospital management system should be as intuitive as using your favourite smartphone app. A clear and logical interface ensures patients can navigate and access the information they need without jumping through hoops. For example, the Mayo Clinic's patient portal with its user-friendly design, allows patients to manage doctor’s appointments, pay bills, and keep tabs on personal medical records. 

Prioritise Patient Records and Medical Data 

The heart of any hospital management system is its patient data. Designing interfaces prioritising this data ensures that healthcare professionals can make informed decisions quickly. The PMAP platform, created by Johns Hopkins University, leverages data and analytics to enrich understanding of patient conditions and treatment responses, aiming for more enlightened and effective healthcare delivery.

Ensure Efficient Appointment Scheduling and Management

Clean UI/UX design is essential for simplifying appointment management in healthcare applications. For instance, Carepatron aims to eliminate the hassle associated with scheduling, enabling efficient appointment management without back-and-forth emails. Similarly, Appointy focuses on keeping the appointment book full while enhancing the overall experience for customers.

Features like automated reminders, easy rescheduling and cancellations, and user-friendly interfaces to minimise navigation loops, are essentials of a well planned appointment management system. 

Provide Streamlined Access to Laboratory and Diagnostic Results  

The right software design for accessing lab and diagnostic test results effortlessly is a crucial element of hospital management software. CrelioHealth’s software provides a streamlined platform for doctors, simplifying the process of receiving lab orders and delivering reports. Similarly, clarity in presenting results, like in Easylabs allows for a straightforward entry and review of lab results, aiding in uncovering new insights in an organised manner. The Lab Tracker app uses graphs as visual aids to provide additional contextual information that helps in quickly understanding diagnostics data. 

Integrate with Medical Devices for Real-Time Data Tracking

Design interfaces in software that display real-time data from medical devices play a crucial role in facilitating monitoring and timely interventions. Software that integrates with wearable devices can display real-time heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs, enabling patient monitoring in real-time. This real-time monitoring and data tracking enhances patient care and safety.

AltumView, an intelligent medical alert system for senior care, includes a smart IoT device with a powerful AI chip to monitor seniors' activities in real-time, which can be used at hospitals, senior care facilities, and home.

What Not to Do: UX Design Pitfalls to Avoid in Hospital Management Systems  

1. Don't Neglect Mobile Responsiveness  

Wendy Clark, SVP Coca Cola, famously said, “If your plans don’t include mobile, your plans are not finished.”

In today's digital age, an increasing number of users access systems via their mobile devices. Ensuring that your hospital management system's interface is optimized for various screen sizes is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. Providing a seamless mobile experience enhances accessibility, allowing healthcare professionals to efficiently manage tasks, even when they're away from their workstations.

Microsoft’s Hospital Emergency Response mobile app is designed with a modular structure to suit different roles within a healthcare facility. Its design facilitates seamless functionality across various screen sizes and orientations, ensuring that critical features and information are readily accessible.

2. Don't Underestimate Customisable Dashboards  

Customisable dashboards allow healthcare professionals to tailor their interface based on their needs. This ensures that they have quick access to frequently used features and crucial information. A personalised dashboard minimises the time spent on data retrieval, allowing more time for other tasks. 

Yale New Haven Health uses Epic’s real-time dashboards in their Command Center to improve overall efficiency, including patient flow and hospital capacity management.

3. Don't Sacrifice Functionality for Aesthetics  

While a beautiful interface is essential, functionality should always come first. The system's primary goal is to support hospital management tasks, and design should always enhance this functionality, not hinder it.

Although aesthetics in the design of hospital management software is important for user engagement and satisfaction, prioritising them over functionality can be detrimental. For example, a visually pleasing interface in an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is of little use if it complicates accessing a patient's medical history.

4. Don't Ignore User Feedback  

End-users, like hospital staff and administrators, are the best source of feedback. Their insights can guide system improvements, ensuring the platform meets their needs.

5. Don't Overcomplicate  

While offering comprehensive functionality is essential, an overly complex interface can be counterproductive. The key is to strike a balance, ensuring users have the necessary tools without feeling overwhelmed.

Integration of UI/UX best practices during hospital mobile app design is essential for its success. A well-designed hospital management system enhances patient care, streamlines operations, and ensures that healthcare professionals have the tools they need at their fingertips.


Marrying functionality with user-centric design is the cornerstone of a successful hospital management system. Seamlessly blending technology with the innate needs of its users, a well-designed system with thoughtful UI/UX features is more than just software – it's where innovation meets intuition.

Harness the power Montar’s deep industry insights, rich expertise in healthcare-centric UI and UX elements, and technical proficiency to bolster engagement for your healthcare software. Get answers to all your queries about UI/UX design for your digital health solution. Connect with us.

Key Takeaways

  1. Good UI/UX for hospital management software, whether it’s an app or website, is key to smooth functioning of hospitals and reducing medical errors.
  2. Focus on easy navigation and improving patient records for faster decisions by healthcare staff. Streamlined appointment scheduling and quick access to lab results boost operational efficiency.
  3. Integrating real-time data tracking with medical devices ensures timely monitoring and interventions, enhancing patient care and safety.
  4. Avoid neglecting mobile responsiveness and ensure customisable dashboards to facilitate on-the-go access and personalised user interfaces.
  5. Don't sacrifice functionality for aesthetics, and heed user feedback to avoid overcomplicating software design.


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Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani
Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani

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