Healthcare Software Development

Expert opinion – Top mistakes to avoid in healthcare software development

Explore the burgeoning global healthcare IT market projected to reach USD 821.1 billion by 2026, driven by digital solutions. Our blog navigates essential considerations and pitfalls in healthcare software development, offering insights for selecting a bespoke development partner. From market research to UX design and compliance, learn how strategic technology adoption can optimize healthcare operations, enhance patient care, and ensure sustainable growth.


Projected to rise from USD 326.1 billion in 2021 to USD 821.1 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 20.3%,  the global healthcare IT market demands attention. The spotlight is on digital solutions, and for a good reason. This isn’t just growth; it’s a clear call for healthcare providers to integrate cutting-edge technological solutions – now!

Enhanced service in healthcare systems hinge on strategically embracing technology. Navigating this transition from traditional to digital is complex, but crucial. Here, we’ll explore key considerations and common missteps in healthcare software development, providing a roadmap to aid healthcare organizations in harnessing technology. The aim? Automated work processes, improved business results and scalable success models that are rooted in efficient care delivery and stakeholder satisfaction. 


If your healthcare organization is preparing to select a bespoke healthcare software development company to create customized digital health solutions,  here are some critical points you should pay attention to: 

Healthcare Software Development: Identifying and Avoiding Key Mistakes

It is important to deliver streamlined, user-centric solutions in the healthcare industry. You should avoid making these common mistakes:

Neglecting Market Research

Although it seems like a logical first step, Ignoring market research is a common but critical error in developing digital health solutions. 

It’s simple: understanding the specific needs of the end user and analyzing competitors and industry trends through market research can provide a clear direction, saving time and money. The objective is clear – turn data into information and information into insight.

Over 80% of errors in the healthcare system are administrative in nature. So clearly, we need better management, documentation, and operational solutions. With these numbers, it’s not surprising that adoption of electronic health record (EHR) systems has been rising consistently over the past 15 years, with a 46% growth globally over the last 5 years. Now, 9 out of 10 doctors use some sort of EHR. This shows that with the right market research, we can narrow down on the right digital health solution that works best for the problem at hand- and can therefore guarantee good adoption rates by end users. 

Failing to Define Clear Objectives

Different Healthcare businesses present varying objectives and challenges that dictate their software solution needs. 

For example, to boost patient satisfaction, your healthcare or digital health business should choose a solution that enhances user engagement with user-friendly and secure interfaces. If the goal is to boost connectivity, you need to choose a software interface with features like real-time chat, video calls, and online scheduling. To optimize revenue management, you should choose software with analytics for efficient billing and spotting revenue leaks.

For a successful healthcare app, begin with thorough market research and a strategic development approach. Discover how methodologies like DevOps and Agile can elevate your project in our blog

Overlooking User Experience (UX) Design

Poor UX can shake a user’s trust in your product or service. Without trust, adoption is unlikely. If an app is hard to use, users get frustrated and might look elsewhere for services. That’s why it’s so crucial to make solutions intuitive from the get-go. An intuitive design not only satisfies users but keeps them coming back. And remember, it’s especially important to be inclusive, ensuring the app works well for everyone, including those with disabilities or special needs.

Want to optimize the UI/UX of your healthcare app for maximum user satisfaction? Dive into our blog: Beyond the Screen: The surprising impact of UI/UX on Healthcare

Ignoring Data Security and Compliance

Understanding the real-world implications of healthcare data breaches is essential. These breaches deeply impact real people, leaving lasting personal, social and legal scars. Since 2009, there have been more than 2100 reported instances of data breaches and over 90% of them stem from inadequate security measures.

When you’re setting out to develop a digital health solution, you can work with healthcare app developers to ensure: 

  • robust encryption
  • stringent access controls
  • multi-factor authentication
  • routine audits.
  • alignment with regulations like HIPAA in the US.

Lack of Integration with Existing Systems

Healthcare data exists in silos, and these silos cost businesses a lot of resources and revenue by directly impacting utility. Hence, it’s essential to weave together various systems, like appointment scheduling, electronic health records (EHRs), billing, imaging, and labs, for smoother data exchanges and better coordination.

For your healthcare business,  linking and integrating these systems is the key to fully realizing the value of their investments.

Discover how to craft digital ecosystems in healthcare through interoperability in our blog.

Neglecting Scalability and Future Needs

Your services will likely grow – whether it’s in user volume, geographic reach, or the range of offerings. Preparing for this is non-negotiable. With the influx of data and users, agile apps become critical. Aim for software solutions that not only meet immediate needs but also offer long-term cost and effort savings. Work with your healthcare software development team to: 

  • Opt for architectures and APIs designed for easy integrations and upgrades.
  • Prioritize data portability
  • Understand potential user requirements and position yourself to meet them before they even arise. There’s a competitive advantage in being the first to deliver.

Dive deeper into making informed tech decisions! Read our blog : Click here

Underestimating Training and Support Needs

Planning is crucial, especially when it comes to training and support for user focussed healthcare apps.

  1. Tailored Training: Different user groups, whether they’re clinicians, staff, or patients, have unique needs. A good training program addresses these nuances, offering walkthroughs of essential features and workflows.
  2. Ongoing Support: Continuous technical support, both during and post-deployment, ensures a smoother user experience, addressing any challenges that arise.

By prioritizing user adoption from the start, clinics can boost engagement and get the most from their tech investments.

To find out how digital health solutions can maximize ROIs, check out our blog linked here: The Strategic Impact of SaMD on Healthcare Profitability

Not Prioritizing Regular Updates and Maintenance

Healthcare moves fast, with new regulations, standards, innovations, and security threats emerging constantly. One-time software deployments quickly become outdated, opening up risks of downtime, breaches, and lost ROI. Here’s how you can work with your healthcare software developer with a proactive approach: 

  • Ask for regular security patches, feature enhancements, bug fixes, and version upgrades.
  • Prioritize data portability to make transitions smooth.
  • Allocate resources to monitor systems for potential vulnerabilities.
  • Set up routine stress testing to performance issues before they disrupt operations.

With ongoing updates and maintenance, healthcare organizations can offer technologies that remain valuable to end users over the long haul while avoiding preventable outages.

Check out our blog: ‘Precision and Performance: Key Considerations for Selecting a Healthcare Software Developer

Disregarding Budget and Cost Control

Striking a balance between delivering clinical value and managing costs is critical in healthcare app development. Here’s how organizations can make the most of their tech investments:

  • Prioritize Essentials: Start by zeroing in on those must-have features. It’s tempting to go for all the bells and whistles, but sometimes less is more. Focus on what truly drives outcomes.
  • Look Beyond the Now: When considering costs, think long-term. Beyond just the setup, you’ve got maintenance, training, and upgrades to factor in throughout the app’s life.
  • Plan for Surprises: Let’s face it, unexpected costs crop up. Having a contingency plan ensures you’re not caught off guard. A minor tweak now can save major rework down the road.

By being strategic and choosing the right healthcare app development company, clinics can ensure their projects not only stay on track but also deliver maximum ROI.


As healthcare businesses tap into tech’s potential, the spotlight’s on user satisfaction. The goal? Smart, tailored software that truly resonates with the end user!

Key Takeaways

  1. Healthcare IT solutions can boost effectiveness, reduce errors, and enhance patient experiences by optimizing operations and elevating data quality.
  2. The healthcare market is predicted to develop significantly, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% and an estimated value of USD 821.1 billion by 2026, providing compelling proof of the potential for technological advancement in the industry.
  3. User satisfaction has emerged as a critical component of healthcare in the post-pandemic age, highlighting the need for patient-centered services and customized software development.
  4. Avoiding common errors like skipping market research, having unclear objectives, ignoring user experience design, ignoring data security, lacking system integration, disregarding scalability, undervaluing the significance of training and support, infrequent updates, and budgetary oversights will help ensure the successful development of custom clinic software.
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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