Healthcare UI/UX Design

How Accessibility & Inclusivity Drive Better HealthTech Experiences

How Accessibility & Inclusivity Drive Better HealthTech Experiences

In this exploration of healthcare technology, we've underscored the critical role of accessibility and inclusivity in UI/UX design. By adopting strategies like alternative text for images, voice-activated controls, and responsive design, healthcare apps can cater to a diverse range of user needs. Regular auditing is essential, focusing on usability, visual design, consistency, and responsiveness, to ensure these digital solutions meet current standards and are primed for future advancements. Embracing these principles ensures compliance and broadens user bases, but it also helps build a healthcare environment where every user feels included, empowered, and cared for.


While 61% of people are already integrating health technology into their lives, it's startling to consider that almost 1 billion people live with some form of disability. This raises a crucial question: Shouldn't we ensure that digital health solutions are not just designed for the majority but are tailor-made to meet every individual's unique needs?

Invariably, the journey toward accessibility and inclusivity starts with the UX/UI design of healthcare apps. This fundamental aspect determines how effectively users can interact with the software. So, as create functional digital solutions (that also look and feel great!), what key factors should we consider to enhance accessibility and inclusivity? Let's dive in and uncover the answers together!

Beyond Barriers: Taking Steps Toward Better Care 

Let's start with the basics - what are accessibility and inclusivity in terms of health tech usage? 

a. Accessibility: focuses on making user interface design of digital health tools such as apps, websites, or wearables usable for people with disabilities. This includes features like screen readers for the visually impaired, voice recognition for those who cannot use a keyboard or a mouse, or simple, clear language for those with cognitive impairments.

b. Inclusivity: on the other hand, goes a step further. It ensures that healthcare digital designs are not limited to those with disabilities but also consider the full range of human diversity, including age, gender, ethnicity, and language proficiency.

Equal Access to Healthcare: A UX/UI Design Priority  

Think about it: healthcare is a universal need. So, shouldn't healthcare software be universally accessible? 

“We are going beyond just good design - we want to provide equitable health resources,” says Kumar Gururajan, CTO of Montar HealthTech. 

Why should we create healthcare apps that cater to every user's needs? By focusing on UX/UI design that considers everyone, we ensure that all individuals, regardless of ability or background, have fair access to effective health management tools. Let’s dive in! 

1. Ageing with independence 

Our population is ageing, and challenges like reduced vision and dexterity occur more often. Healthcare user interface design that addresses these issues isn't just nice; it's necessary! By offering easier navigation and interaction, we help elders maintain independence. 

2. Embracing Diversity

Inclusive features in healthcare design solutions that cater to different cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic groups are crucial. From straightforward instructions to culturally sensitive imagery, every UX/UI design element bridges communication gaps and enhances user engagement.

3. Patient Engagement 

A well-designed healthcare user interface can inspire individuals to actively manage and participate in their health journey. It creates an environment where patients feel supported and capable of taking charge of their health.

4. Regulatory Compliance: More Than Just Checking Boxes 

In healthcare digital design, meeting regulatory compliance such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) ensures that global accessibility and inclusivity standards are met, making your healthcare app compliant and universally usable.

5. The Ethical Imperative in Healthcare Design Solutions 

Finally, there's an ethical and social responsibility in designing accessible and inclusive healthcare software. It's a reflection of our commitment to fairness and societal well-being. 

6. Balancing UX/UI Design Quality and Cost

We can't ignore the practical side either – the cost of UX/UI design. Investing in high-quality healthcare design solutions may seem like an added expense, but it's an investment in long-term success and user satisfaction.

The Accessibility Advantage in HealthTech Adoption 

Building universally accessible health tech solutions is a good practice. But it's also a strategic move that significantly drives user adoption. 

(i) Expanded User Base through Accessibility 

By enhancing accessibility features in healthcare apps, we open doors to a broader audience. With accessible design, we can actively cater to a segment of the population traditionally underserved by technology.

(ii) The Power of Positive Word-of-Mouth 

With health technology- word-of-mouth is king. It's 115% more effective, and over 90% of users trust recommendations from people they know. When users find a healthcare app that's not only functional but also inclusive and accessible, they're more likely to recommend it to others. This positive word-of-mouth is particularly potent in healthcare, where trust and reliability make the wheels turn. 

(iii)Gaining Competitive Advantage

Considering the 26% of adults with disabilities and the growing global ageing population, there's a significant, potentially untapped market segment. 

There's a competitive edge in being one of the few that genuinely cater to the diverse needs of all users. On the flip side, neglecting accessibility can be costly. For instance, U.K. companies lost over $147 million for failing to meet basic accessibility standards. 

Therefore, inclusivity and accessibility are more than just buzzwords in healthcare UI UX design. They are proving to be fundamental aspects that can determine the success and reach of a digital health solution. 

Accessible by Design: 10 Methods to Transform Healthcare Technology 

When implemented well, accessible and inclusive, UI/UX design elements can genuinely open healthcare technology to a broader, more diverse audience. 

Here are ten ways to improve or check accessibility for healthcare mobile apps, websites or medical device software, keeping in mind the importance of compliance with regulations like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), India’s Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPwD Act) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

(a) Provide Alternative Text for Images: This is a game changer for visually impaired users. Alternative text descriptions help them understand what's depicted in images, making the interface more informative and user-friendly.

(b) Voice-Activated Controls: Voice commands can make your solution accessible to those with motor impairments or who prefer hands-free interaction.

(c) Ensure Proper Color Contrast: Proper colour contrast is essential for users with visual impairments. High contrast makes text and images easier to distinguish and understand.

(d) Use Semantic HTML: This feature helps devices interpret and communicate your content effectively, ensuring that users with visual impairments can easily navigate the interface of the healthcare software.

(e) Keyboard Navigation Support: Not everyone can use a mouse. Keyboard navigation is vital for users with motor impairments. Ensure that all features of your software are accessible via the keyboard alone.

(f) Captions and Transcripts for Multimedia: Providing captions and transcripts for audio and video content is crucial for hearing-impaired users, ensuring they don't miss out on any information.

(g) Testing with Assistive Technologies: You've got to test it to believe it! Regular testing of your software with assistive technologies like screen readers is essential to identify and remove any barriers to accessibility.

(h) Responsive Design: Ensure your app looks great and functions well on all devices. A responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, making the software accessible and usable on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

(i) Simplify Navigation: Keep it straightforward. A simple, intuitive navigation structure helps users, especially those with cognitive disabilities, to use your healthcare software without getting lost or overwhelmed.

(j) Conduct User Testing with Diverse Participants: Last but definitely not least, include people with varying abilities, backgrounds, and levels of digital literacy in your user testing. This ensures that your digital health solution isn't just accessible in theory - but also in the real-world! 

The Art of Auditing: Perfecting Accessible and Inclusive  UI/UX in Healthcare Tech  

Auditing the design of healthcare technology solutions ensures that the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are not just up to par but are continuously improving to meet ever-evolving standards. Here's a closer look at why auditing is so important.

1. Quality Assurance

Think of an audit as a fine-tuning process. It scrutinises the UI and UX of healthcare software to ensure they're on point with current standards. For example, an audit might reveal that a symptom checker feature is too complex for older users, leading to a more intuitive and user-friendly redesign.

When should you consider redesigning your existing digital health solution, and how can you go about it most effectively? Let more from our blog: Key Triggers for Healthcare App Redesign

2. User Satisfaction: Meeting Diverse Expectations

An audit helps pinpoint where healthcare software design might fail to please its users, getting feedback on what works and what doesn't. The font size may be too small for visually impaired users, or the language is too technical for the average user. Addressing these issues can significantly enhance user satisfaction.

3. Usability and Efficiency: Making Every Click Count 

How easy is it for patients to navigate your app? Can they complete tasks without getting lost or frustrated? Auditing helps answer these questions. For instance, an audit might reveal that a three-step process to book an appointment could be simplified to just one, making life easier for users.

4. Continuous Improvement: Keeping Up with the Times

Regular audits help you stay ahead of the curve, ensuring digital health solutions meet current standards and are ready for future trends and user preferences. 

“With the way tech is changing so rapidly, health tech developers need to make sure that the software they are building is not just good for now, but great for the future,” continues Kumar gururajan. 

How do digital health software developers audit the solutions they create?

Healthcare software developers know that they are going to evaluate the software based on a few key areas, such as: 

Usability: This assesses its user-friendliness. The key is to observe how users navigate and interact with the app, gather feedback, and pinpoint areas of improvement. 

Visual Design: The goal is to ensure the interface is aesthetically pleasing so that users can easily understand the information provided. Therefore, layout, typography, colour scheme, and imagery must be analysed. 

Consistency: A consistent interface reduces users' cognitive load, making it easy to understand and use. This uniformity provides users with a seamless experience, helping them focus on the content rather than navigating the app.

Responsiveness: As users increasingly access mobile-based health apps on various handheld devices, testing the responsiveness of a digital healthcare app is essential to provide them with a uniform experience. Testing involves ensuring the interface adapts smoothly to different screen sizes and orientations.

An interactive prototype aids in testing and gathering feedback, ensuring the app provides a consistent experience across all devices. Find out how building a minimum viable product (MVP) of your digital health solution can help refine your software through our in-depth guide. 


The future of healthcare technology hinges on its ability to be accessible and inclusive. By integrating well-designed interfaces, we're building gateways to better health for everyone. Regular audits ensure these solutions stay relevant and user-friendly. 

Aside from chasing innovation, healthcare software developers strive to create tools that genuinely make a difference in people's lives. That's the real measure of success.

Montar's team of experts has a proven track record of crafting user-centered healthcare apps that leave no one behind. Our meticulous auditing ensures that your product meets the highest accessibility standards before launch. Partner with us today to bring your health tech vision to life. Contact us now to schedule a consultation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Designing healthcare apps requires a focus on accessibility, diversity, engagement, compliance, and ethical responsibility.
  2. Accessibility in healthcare apps increases user adoption through expanded reach, positive referrals, and competitive advantage.
  3. Healthcare app accessibility can be enhanced with voice controls, screen reader compatibility, and adjustable visuals.
  4. Implementing keyboard navigation, providing captions and transcripts for multimedia, and conducting diverse user testing are additional ways to improve accessibility in mHealth apps.
  5. Healthcare tech audits ensure quality, compliance, and user satisfaction through thorough testing and continuous improvement.
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Dr. Aakash Doshi
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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