Healthcare Software Development

Reducing Time-To-Market using latest [2024] DevOps and Agile methodologies in healthcare software development

Reducing Time-To-Market using latest [2024] DevOps and Agile methodologies in healthcare software development

Leveraging technology for healthcare is crucial to enhance patient care, streamline operations, and empower patients. Using DevOps and Agile methodologies for healthcare software development accelerates development, ensuring data security, and improving collaboration. DevOps and Agile are a powerful combination for healthcare software development, offering continuous quality assurance and promoting teamwork and communication. Choosing the right process, framework and tools are essential for providing high-quality, tailored healthcare solutions in the dynamic healthcare landscape.


With the healthcare industry being extremely diverse and niche-specific, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it. Therefore, customized healthcare application development is critical to ensure that the specific goals and processes of the healthcare organization are met.

However, such in-depth customization is bound to be time, cost and labour-intensive. So, how can we optimize the software development process to bring these digital health solutions to market - quickly and efficiently? 

Here’s where modern methods like DevOps and Agile can help! Let’s find out more in this blog. 

Transforming Healthcare Software Development with DevOps 

The forecast is clear: with the global healthcare IT market expected to grow at 18.2% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, there's a rush to adopt innovative practices in developing digital solutions, web and mobile apps for healthcare. That’s why healthcare organizations have a challenge cut out for them: how do they streamline processes, speed up product releases, and ensure they remain ahead of the curve? 

When building digital health solutions, in addition to the technical challenges, organizations often grapple with the need for speed, cohesive teamwork, and regular feedback to refine their offerings. This is where DevOps steps in, acting like the north star for the development teams.

DevOps is a software engineering methodology that combines software development (dev) and operations (ops). By bridging gaps in the process, it fosters a collaborative environment, ensuring that applications are designed, developed, and deployed more efficiently. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects of DevOps:

(i) Collaboration & Communication

At its core, DevOps promotes open dialogue between development and operations teams. This unified approach eliminates silos, resulting in better and faster outcomes.

(ii) Automation & Streamlining

Through DevOps, repetitive tasks like code merging, testing, and deployment are automated. This not only accelerates processes but also reduces potential errors, leading to consistent software production.

(iii) Quicker Releases 

By implementing DevOps practices, organisations can speed up their software release cycles, ensuring that new features or crucial updates reach users promptly.

(iv) Integrated Tools

DevOps isn’t just about a mindset shift; it's also backed by tools. For instance, monitoring tools like Datadog or Nagios offer insights into how software changes affect user experience, allowing for real-time tweaks.

Stages of DevOps in practice 


Stages of DevOps in practice 

When implementing DevOps for healthcare software solutions, each stage has its unique set of challenges and opportunities. Here's how the process might look:

1. Plan - This is where ideas for digital health solutions are born! This would involve understanding the healthcare landscape, identifying gaps or needs, and then conceptualising software solutions that can address these gaps. Collaborative brainstorming involving clinicians, IT professionals, and even patients can offer invaluable insights.

2. Code - Here, the software begins to take shape. Developers start coding the solution, keeping in mind healthcare standards and regulations, like HIPAA in the U.S.

3. Build - In this phase, the coded components are integrated and compiled to form a complete software package. Given the complexities of healthcare software, ensuring that each module or component works in harmony with others is vital.

Dive deeper with us as we explore how to integrate software for uninterrupted care delivery, in our blog Interconnected Care: The Journey to a Unified Digital Ecosystem

4. Test - No software should be released without thorough testing, especially not healthcare software where lives could be at stake. This stage involves rigorous testing for bugs and vulnerabilities, and ensuring the software meets all clinical requirements. Automated testing tools can help streamline this process, ensuring consistency and thoroughness.

5. Release - This phase marks the software's readiness for deployment. But, before a full-blown release, there might be beta versions released to a select group of users for feedback. It's a chance to get real-world insights and make any necessary adjustments.

6. Deploy - Now, the software is rolled out for actual use in healthcare settings. Deployment strategies might vary—some might opt for a phased approach, while others might go for a complete rollout.

7. Operate - Post-deployment, the software goes live. Healthcare professionals start using it, and it begins to interact with other systems, databases, and tools. During this phase, ensuring smooth operations without any disruptions becomes crucial.

8. Monitor - Constant vigilance is key in healthcare software development. This stage involves keeping a close eye on the software's performance, user feedback, and any potential issues. Real-time monitoring tools can help detect and address problems before they escalate.

Digital health solutions are built with precision for their intended audiences when backed with the right research and planning. Find out how design thinking can help optimise this process

What is Agile Methodology in software development?

Agile methodology is a software development framework that focuses on collaboration, iteration, learning, and value delivery. It breaks down vast projects into bite-sized chunks, making them more manageable.

By deploying methodologies like Scrum and Kanban, developers iterate solutions, actively engaging with stakeholders for feedback. The stages include: 

  • Collaboration: Everyone's on the same page, working together.
  • Iteration: It's a cycle - plan, execute, review, and then refine.
  • Learning: Every cycle offers insights and lessons.
  • Value delivery: They don’t focus on ticking boxes; they deliver meaningful results.
  • Flexibility: Agile adapts, even when project scopes shift.
  • Efficiency: With a clear focus, teams can produce faster and better.

In practice, Agile works like this:

  • Big projects are divided into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Teams go through cycles of planning, doing, and reviewing.
  • While one team might be planning, another could be executing, ensuring that different phases progress in tandem.
  • The goal isn't just to deliver software but to ensure it's functional and adds value, even if it's just a small piece of the bigger puzzle.
  • Throughout the process, teams are always looking to improve, ensuring the next iteration is better than the last.

This structured approach effectively accommodates changing requirements, promotes transparency, and ensures the final product aligns with user needs. Ultimately, it results in more effective and user-friendly healthcare web applications.

Agile and DevOps: A Match Made in Heaven 

The Batman and Robin of the software development world, DevOps and Agile sync perfectly for a powerful business-centric experience. 

  • Collaboration at its Best: Both Agile and DevOps champion cross-functional team communication, ensuring everyone's on the same page.
  • Streamlined Processes: With automation, they can eliminate redundancies, enhance testing, and refine build and deployment pipelines.
  • From Development to Deployment: With Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), the journey of a software piece, from its creation to its launch, becomes smooth sailing.
  • Quality and Speed: At the heart of this synergy is a commitment to delivering top-notch healthcare software quickly, addressing the dynamic demands of the industry.


Agile sync perfectly for a powerful business-centric experience




Harnessing the power of DevOps and Agile methodologies offers a blueprint for delivering tailored healthcare software solutions at scale.

As you consider the following steps to build your digital health solution, remember it's not just about codes and software but also about creating well-designed healthcare solutions using streamlined and scalable practices. And the right tools and approach can make all the difference! 

At Montar Healthtech, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality solutions rapidly to enhance patient care and operational efficiency. As a leading Healthcare IT firm, we’ve worked with a leading chain of mental health clinics, one of Asia's largest corporate health and primary healthcare providers, and even with the Government of India and the World Bank. And we are keen to explore how we can partner with you next on your journey as well.

Are you ready to embark on your healthcare software development journey? Look no further than Montar HealthTech! 

Key Takeaways

  1. Web-based healthcare applications offer a new level of convenience and empower patients to take charge of their health, with a significant growth potential in the global healthcare IT market.
  2. Customised healthcare application development is essential to meet healthcare providers' unique needs and workflows, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and user satisfaction while integrating with existing systems.
  3. DevOps and Agile methodologies play a crucial role in healthcare app development by fostering collaboration, automation, and iterative feedback, resulting in faster, high-quality, and customer-focused solutions.
  4. DevOps enables efficient deployment of healthcare applications, reducing downtime and optimising access to critical healthcare services, keeping healthcare businesses competitive.
  5. Continuous testing, feedback loops, and proactive monitoring are essential for maintaining software quality, reliability, and alignment with changing requirements, ensuring efficient and client-focused software development in healthcare.
  6. Combining the right web development partner and implementing DevOps and Agile methodologies is essential for delivering high-quality healthcare solutions and enhancing patient care in the ever-evolving healthcare industry.
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Dr. Aakash Doshi
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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