Healthcare App Development

The Power of Mobile Health Apps in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Overview

The Power of Mobile Health Apps in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Overview

Mobile health (mHealth) apps are revolutionizing healthcare, offering tailored solutions from patient care to pharmaceutical integration. These apps merge technology with healthcare, facilitating improved outcomes, streamlined processes, and a patient-centric approach. With their increasing prevalence, it's essential to understand development nuances like platform choices, budgeting, and timelines for a successful app launch.


It’s time to wave goodbye to old-school healthcare. Digital health has taken a quantum leap recently, with healthcare mobile apps leading the charge! What began as a modest market, valued at $5 billion in 2020, is expected to grow to $20 billion by 2027. Over 325,000 mHealth apps are available on both Apple and Android. This isn't just an economic shift but a change in consumer expectations when it comes to care delivery. These changes are implemented by nearly all sectors within the healthcare space.

Industry giants like the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins offer their vast repositories of medical knowledge through accessible mobile platforms. On the other hand, mobile health (mhealth) apps which sell fitness products and offer training account for nearly 36% of the global market revenue. Even emerging healthcare e-commerce platforms and nascent digital health ventures are channelling resources into healthcare mobile app development.

So, why has mhealth app development become a front-runner in digital health delivery? Read on to find out!

From Smartphones to Smart Health: What is mHealth?

mHealth, or mobile health, refers to the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices. With the ease and convenience they bring, it’s not surprising that over one-third of adults use mobile health applications.

Essentially, these apps deliver vital services straight to our fingertips. They've not only transformed our access to healthcare via our smartphones and tablets but also streamlined scheduling, record retrieval, syncing with wearables like fitness trackers or heart rate monitors and communication with medical experts - all available around the clock and across the globe.

Health apps vs medical apps: A small but significant difference

While "health app" and "medical app" are often used synonymously, they don't always mean the same thing.

Health apps are software applications on mobile devices designed to manage and process health information for their users. While anyone interested in maintaining or enhancing their well-being can use them, they also serve healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers.

Want to know more about healthcare apps? Dive into our latest article to debunk common myths.

So, what are medical apps? Healthcare mobile apps include a subset called medical apps with similar functions. However, medical apps specifically target clinical and medical needs and may be subject to legal regulations as mobile medical devices.

Healthcare in the Palm of Your Hand: The Mobile Health App Advantage

Gone are the days when medical interventions were confined to the four walls of a clinic or hospital. The entire industry is experiencing unprecedented efficiency, streamlined processes, and an enhanced patient-centric approach, with the advantages of mobile apps.

Dr. Aakash Doshi, CEO of Montar Healthtech, aptly puts it, "Mobile health isn't just about convenience; it's a strategic pivot. It's about harnessing real-time data, optimizing healthcare delivery, and above all, tailoring medical experiences to individual needs.”

From simplified administrative tasks to instantaneous patient feedback, mobile health solutions are shaping a new era of service excellence and accessibility, underlining the many benefits of mhealth in the industry.

1. Unprecedented Convenience

Whether you're a patient looking for quick medical advice or a provider hoping to streamline administrative tasks, customised mobile healthcare apps offer unparalleled convenience. They enable users to tap into healthcare services anytime, anywhere.

2. Tailored to Stakeholders

Every stakeholder in the healthcare domain, from large healthcare organisations to individual patients, stands to gain immensely from mhealth app development.

(a) Insurance Companies and TPA Departments

Simplified billing, streamlined claims management, and the ability to process vast amounts of data efficiently are some of the benefits of mobile health apps when applied to the health insurance sector.

For instance, Indian-based apps like Policybazaar are India’s largest insurance aggregator, allowing consumers to compare insurance products and other financial services from leading insurers. In the US, the Oscar app helps users manage policies and connects patients with doctors. It has over 250,000 users and partners with over 3,500 doctors.

Dive deeper into applications of mobile app technology in billing and claims management in our next Blog.

(b) Patients

Beyond mere convenience, these mobile health apps are enhancing the patient experience. Be it easy appointment scheduling, interactive health trackers, or engaging gamification features that encourage healthy behaviours, the possibilities are vast.

For example, MyChart allows patients to View medications, test outcomes, upcoming consultations, medical invoices, cost predictions, and more, consolidated in a single location, regardless of visits to different healthcare institutions.

(c) Providers and Doctors

A primary driver for healthcare professionals (HCPs) adopting mobile devices is the demand for enhanced communication and immediate access to information during patient care. In a clinical setting, HCPs often need communication tools like voice calls, video chats, voice recorders and emails. They also require access to hospital systems like electronic health and medical records (EHR and EMR), clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), picture archiving and communication systems (PACSs), and laboratory information systems (LISs).

Integrating mobile health applications with medical records means doctors have a patient's medical history at their fingertips. Clinical decision support tools also assist in enhancing diagnosis accuracy and treatment suggestions. Communication is made seamless with secure messaging features that protect patient data.

For instance, MDCalc is a medical calculator app designed for physicians, medical students, and other healthcare professionals. It provides quick and easy access to clinical decision support tools and medical formulas, scores, and classifications, helping users make informed treatment decisions.

DynaMed is a medical reference application that imitates Google’s search engine, which makes it easy to use. Other physicians review the medical content.

Learn more about mobile health application tools doctors are using in our next Blog.

(d) Disease-Specific Apps

Disease-specific apps have emerged as critical tools, offering specialised solutions tailored to individual health challenges. For example, mental health apps like Headspace are helping people cope with stress and anxiety and offer resources like guided meditations, mood tracking, and cognitive behavioural therapy exercises. They serve as a bridge between therapy sessions, providing users with tools to manage anxiety, depression, or stress in real-time.

Beyond just calorie counters or step trackers, weight management apps offer holistic approaches to weight loss. Integrating diet, exercise, and mindfulness practices, they provide personalised plans, community support, and even virtual coaching, helping users navigate their weight loss journey with a well-rounded perspective. Similarly, sleep apps use advanced analytics to track sleep cycles. Some even connect to wearable devices, providing detailed insights into nightly rest and offering solutions for insomnia or sleep apnea.

As the demand for personalised healthcare grows, disease-specific apps are filling a significant gap, offering resources and tools tailored to the unique needs of their users, making managing health conditions more accessible and efficient.

Discover more mobile health apps that cater to specific health challenges in our next Blog.

 (e) Revenue and Business

Mobile apps can significantly impact the business side of healthcare. They're indispensable in modern healthcare administration, from ensuring efficient inventory management to executing targeted marketing campaigns.

For instance, practice management platforms like PatientPop help clinics optimise their online presence, streamline administrative tasks and generate leads, increasing patient load and optimising care delivery and patient engagement.

Find out how mobile apps are revolutionizing healthcare business in our next Blog.

(f) Pharma and Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical companies can streamline clinical trials by integrating mHealth into drug development. These apps facilitate consistent patient monitoring, creating a reliable feedback loop invaluable for real-time data gathering. mHealth app development for this sector allows companies to innovate faster, fostering a more agile approach to research and development.

For example, Japan's Takeda Pharmaceuticals joined forces with a mHealth firm to harness mHealth devices and monitors to capture patient data, like vital signs, physical activity and sleep patterns. They wanted to weave mHealth apps, wearable tech, and digital platforms into pharmaceutical research. This integration would yield more specific data in clinical trials and refine their production processes while enhancing engagement with their consumer base.

(g) Medical Device Companies

Medical device companies also recognise the benefits of mobile health apps, as they provide in-depth data analytics and enhance medical device functionality. Per the 2013 FDA's guidelines, an app that merely logs diet and exercise data isn't classified as a medical device. However, an app that advises on insulin adjustments is.

Mobile health app integration serves as a bridge, amplifying the capabilities of medical devices and ensuring they are utilised most effectively in patient care. mHealth apps improve medical device use by collecting real-time data, connecting with healthcare systems, allowing remote patient monitoring, and predicting health issues using intelligent algorithms.

(h) Public Health Platforms

mHealth apps significantly bolster public health efforts. They offer real-time disease surveillance, enabling swift responses to outbreaks. Beyond monitoring, they amplify health awareness campaigns, reaching vast audiences. By integrating mobile apps, public health platforms gain a clearer, instantaneous view of population health, ensuring better decision-making during health crises.

Various mobile applications cater to diverse public health challenges and demographics, receiving endorsements from esteemed organisations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Nations.

“Increasingly, public health organizations are putting out their own apps and their apps are getting better,” said Lorien Abroms, ScD, an assistant professor at the School of Public Health and Health Services at George Washington University, USA.

The American Cancer Society, for instance, has sponsored the development of several apps designed to help prevent cancer, including the Exercise Counts Calculator, Target Heart Rate Calculator, Calorie Counter, Cigarette Calculator, Smoking Cost Calculator and Mammogram Reminder.

A Few Key Features of a Robust Mobile Healthcare App

Navigating the maze of modern and digital healthcare requires innovative and intuitive tools. As healthcare mobile application development takes centre stage, let’s unpack some features that help apps stand apart in health tech.

1. User-friendly Interface

A seamless and intuitive interface ensures that users can easily navigate the app, regardless of how tech-savvy they are. The advantages of mHealth become evident when well-designed UI and UX allow them to access health information quickly and easily. 

Read our Article on UI/UX in digital health technology

2. Security and Privacy

Given the sensitive nature of medical data, a robust healthcare mobile app must prioritise data security. Adhering to data protection standards ensures patients' trust and the app's credibility.

3. Integration

Integration capabilities enable the app to work seamlessly with other health tech systems, from Electronic Health Records (EHRs) to wearable devices. This interconnectedness enhances the experience for patients and providers.

4. Health Education

One of the significant benefits of mHealth is its ability to democratize health knowledge. Users can educate themselves about various health topics through articles, videos, and interactive modules, leading to more informed decisions.

5. Effective Communication

Direct channels for patients to communicate with healthcare professionals can significantly reduce barriers to care. Features like chatbots, video consultations, or messaging can transform the patient-provider relationship.

6. Emergency Assistance and Alerts

An excellent feature for any health app is the provision for emergencies. This feature can be a lifesaver, whether it's geolocation services that direct a user to the nearest hospital or critical health alerts.

7. Feedback and Ratings

To ensure continuous improvement, it's essential to incorporate a mechanism for users to provide feedback. Ratings and reviews can guide potential users and help healthcare mobile app developers refine the app experience.

Incorporating these features and partnering with experienced mHealth app development professionals can ensure the creation of an application that's functional and transformative in the healthcare space.

Developing a Mobile Healthcare App: A Roadmap

Creating an impactful mobile healthcare app is more than just slick designs or fancy features. It's about crafting an experience that meets genuine needs while ensuring security, functionality, and longevity. Let's delve into a blueprint to make this possible:

(i) Lay the Strategic Groundwork

Every successful endeavor starts with a plan. Kick-off by crystallizing the purpose of your app. Dive deep into market research not only to understand the needs and expectations of your users but also to gauge the ebb and flow of market trends and what competitors are offering.

(ii) Put Users Front and Center

At its core, every app should cater to its end users. Designing an intuitive and delightful interface can make or break the user experience. But remember, aesthetics should work hand-in-hand with functionality.

(iii) Safety First - Prioritising Security

In the healthcare domain, the stakes are high, and trust, once broken, is hard to rebuild. Prioritise building a secure app that adheres strictly to healthcare regulations.

Delve Deeper into Privacy and Security.

(iv) Development Dynamics

Build, Test, Repeat: With a defined roadmap, plunge into the development phase. It's not just about coding but choosing the RIGHT tools that resonate with your app's purpose and potential scale.

Explore Tools: Programming Languages for Mobile App Development.

Incorporate core functionalities, ensure seamless integrations with existing healthcare systems, and leverage the power of data analytics. And as you build, remember the mantra - test, refine, iterate. Before the grand launch, ensure your app has been through rigorous quality checks and refinements.

(v) Launch and Beyond

An app's journey doesn't end at the launch. It's just the beginning! Market it to ensure your target audience recognises its value. Moreover, commit to offering support and periodic updates. Your app should gracefully adapt and evolve as the healthcare landscape evolves.

mhealth development is not a destination but a dynamic journey. Embrace the ride, anticipate the curves, and aim to create a solution that makes a genuine difference in care delivery.

For a detailed blueprint on how to develop your mobile health app, check out our guide.


Mobile health apps are not just a trend but a necessity, weaving technology into various healthcare sectors, from disease management to public health. Their expansive reach promises to improve patient outcomes, streamline processes, and enhance the overall quality of healthcare services.

But the journey to developing a successful mobile health app starts with clarity. It's imperative to delineate your project needs, encompassing features, platform choices, budget considerations, and timelines. The development path you opt for - leveraging in-house talent, outsourcing to specialists, or blending both - can significantly impact the end product.

Are you considering building your mHealth app as a digital solution for your healthcare service or product? Connect with Montar today for expert guidance and seamless development solutions.

Key Takeaways 

  1. mHealth apps market is expected to grow from $5 billion in 2020 to $20 billion by 2027. 
  2. mHealth differs from health apps, with the latter focusing on general well-being and the former targeting clinical needs. 
  3. Insurance companies, patients, doctors, and other stakeholders benefit immensely from mHealth app development. 
  4. Disease-specific apps offer tailored solutions for unique health challenges.
  5. Pharma companies are integrating mHealth apps for streamlined clinical trials and better patient monitoring. 
  6. Medical device companies utilise mHealth apps for data analytics and better device functionality. 
  7. mHealth bolsters public health platforms through real-time disease surveillance and health awareness campaigns.
  8. Development clarity, from features to timelines, is essential for the app's success. 
  9. A thoughtful approach to development, considering whether to go in-house or outsource, significantly affects the app's quality and functionality. 
  10. Continuous support and updates post-launch ensure the app stays relevant in an evolving healthcare landscape.

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Dr. Aakash Doshi
Dr. Aakash Doshi

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