Healthcare Software Development

Why Custom Healthcare Software is a Game-Changer

Custom healthcare software development has grown to a $28.66 billion industry in 2022 and is expected to rise to  $77.43 billion by 2032. This blog covers the essence of custom software development, its varied types, and their impact on healthcare. It also discusses the crucial decision of in-house development versus outsourcing, highlighting the benefits and considerations of each approach. Finally, it emphasises the importance of choosing the right partner for healthcare software development, advocating for a user-centric, expert-driven approach.


Did you know that the healthcare software as a service market is on a steep upward trajectory, set to grow from USD 28.66 billion in 2022 to USD 77.43 billion by 2032?

In this rapidly advancing digital age, custom software development is becoming a linchpin in healthcare, driving efficiency and meeting growing demands.

“Healthcare today is more than procedures and prescriptions; it’s a tech story,” says Dr Aakash Doshi, CEO of Montar Health Tech. “That’s why we need `to understand the best way to take advantage of customised s`oftware- that can streamline operations and make the organisation stand out in an ever-growing market.”

This blog delves into custom healthcare software development, exploring its significance for healthcare leaders and guiding you in choosing the right development partner for bespoke healthcare solutions.

The Essence of Custom Healthcare Software Development

Custom healthcare software development is much more than just coding; it’s about creating solutions that are intricately tailored to the specific needs of healthcare professionals and patients. This process begins with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and requirements within a healthcare setting. It involves a collaborative approach where developers work closely with healthcare professionals to identify and understand their needs.

(i) Prototyping: This stage is crucial in visualising the end product. Prototyping creates a working model of the software, offering a tangible preview of how the final solution will function. This is a critical phase for gathering feedback and making necessary adjustments.

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Produc

(ii) Design:The design phase focuses on the user experience and interface. In healthcare, this means ensuring the software is intuitive, easy to navigate, and accessible. The design must comply with healthcare regulations and standards, ensuring data security and patient privacy.

Discover the essentials of UI/UX in healthcare and learn how to incorporate them into your digital health solution by reading our blog:  Cutting-edge UI/UX Design Strategies for Healthcare Software to Stand Out

(iii) Development: The software is built to specifications during development. This involves coding, integrating various functionalities, and ensuring the software can handle the demands of a healthcare environment, such as managing large volumes of patient data or integrating with existing healthcare systems.

Boost your productivity with Agile and DevOps. Learn how to implement these strategies in our blog: Reducing Time-To-Market using latest [2024] DevOps and Agile methodologies in healthcare software development

(iv)Testing: Testing is pivotal for ensuring reliability and safety. This includes checking for bugs, assessing performance under different conditions, and verifying that the software meets all regulatory compliance requirements. Testing is ongoing to ensure the software remains effective and secure over time.

(v) Seamless Deployment: Deploying the software into a live healthcare environment requires minimal disruption. This involves the technical aspects of installation, training staff, and providing support during the transition phase.

(vi) Ongoing Maintenance: This is essential for updating the software, adding new features, and ensuring it adapts to changing healthcare practices and regulations.

Custom healthcare software development is a dynamic, ongoing process that requires a deep understanding of healthcare workflows, patient needs, and technological innovation. It’s a collaborative effort that combines the expertise of healthcare professionals and software developers to create tools that enhance healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

Types of Custom Healthcare Software

Let’s explore the myriad types of healthcare software solutions that fulfil a specific purpose, enhancing healthcare operations along the way:

1. Hospital Practice Management Software (HPMS): This solution empowers healthcare professionals to efficiently manage patient medical records, handle financial aspects, schedule appointments, streamline administrative processes, and much more.

2. Electronic Health Records Software (EHR):It helps doctors and hospitals manage patient health records, from tracking prescriptions and updating lab test results to storing medical history and demographic reports.

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Product

3. Prescription Software Solution: Patients can send their prescriptions directly to pharmacies, facilitating the hassle-free delivery of required medications.

4. Emergency Care Solution: It aids patients in obtaining necessary help until they reach the hospital and consult their healthcare provider.

5. Health Information Exchange (HIE) Software: HIE links care providers and organisations by securely sharing patient health information, ensuring consistent continuity of care and faster decision-making.

6. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) Software: For faster and more effective clinical decision-making, CDSS helps care providers with evidence-based recommendations and insights.

7. Telemedicine: It enables doctors to consult online, order lab tests, and prescribe medications for patients.

8. Medical Imaging: It assists radiologists in enhancing images, making it easier to detect abnormalities and diseases quickly and precisely.

9. Population Health Management: It allows providers to identify at-risk patients and deliver targeted interventions, ultimately reducing healthcare costs.

10. Patient Engagement: Patient engagement solutions create portals that empower patients to access their medical records, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers.

The Need for Custom Healthcare Software Development

The question that naturally arises is: Why should healthcare organisations invest in custom software development? Let’s delve into some compelling reasons:

a. Advanced Diagnosis: Custom healthcare software equips healthcare professionals with advanced diagnostic tools, enhancing their ability to deliver accurate and timely diagnoses.

b. Enhanced Security: Robust custom solutions safeguard against unauthorised access, data leaks, and cyber threats, ensuring the privacy and integrity of sensitive patient information.

c. Virtual Consultations: Telemedicine and other custom solutions facilitate virtual consultations, expanding access to healthcare and improving the patient experience.

d. Efficient Health Record Management: Custom EHR software streamlines the management of patient health records, enabling healthcare providers to access and update information seamlessly.

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Product

e. Error Reduction: By automating processes and eliminating manual data entry, custom software significantly reduces the scope for human error, leading to high-quality care.

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Product

f. Patient-Provider Relationships: Tailored software enhances communication between patients and providers, fostering healthier relationships and promoting trust.

g. Higher Return on Investment (ROI): Custom software solutions offer long-term value, providing an excellent return on investment by improving operational efficiency and patient outcomes.

h. Brand Image: By offering unique and patient-centric digital experiences, healthcare organisations can establish a distinctive brand image that resonates with their audience.

i. Scalability: Custom software can grow alongside the organisation’s needs, adapting to the changing healthcare landscape demands.

j. Multi-Platform Support: Custom healthcare software can be designed to function seamlessly across various platforms, ensuring accessibility to a broad range of users.

Embarking on the Software Development Journey

So, how does a healthcare company go about getting custom software developed? Not all healthcare organisations have the in-house resources or expertise to build custom software. Even if they embark on the initial stages of development, they may soon realise the need for external expertise to make substantial improvements.

When this realisation dawns, organisations stand at a crossroads: in-house development or outsourcing to a custom software development company.

In-House vs. Outsourcing

In-house development means hiring the necessary talent to build and maintain the software internally. While it offers complete control, getting a team up to speed often requires significant time and resources. Yet, once the in-house team gains momentum, it can manage and enhance the software throughout its lifecycle. However, this route is best suited for larger organisations with substantial budgets.

On the other hand, outsourcing to custom healthcare software development companies provides a compelling alternative. According to Deloitte’s 2022 Global Outsourcing Survey, over 76% of companies favour software development outsourcing over in-house development.

Discover the strategic benefits of outsourcing for custom healthcare software development in our blog: Strategic Benefits of Outsourcing for Custom Healthcare Software Development

The reasons behind this preference are diverse, which include:

  • Cost saving

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Product

  • Security
  • Rapid deployment
  • Expertise in regulatory requirements, including HIPAA and HL7.
  • Ready-made teams
  • Expertise in healthcare technology trends

Learn how to select the perfect healthcare app developers for your customized digital health solution in our blog:  Finding the Perfect Fit: Selecting Healthcare App Developers for Your Digital Solution


From EHR to wearables and IoT, emerging technologies offer new avenues to enhance patient care, streamline workflows, and improve health outcomes.

When selecting the right healthcare software, carefully evaluate your organisation’s needs and consider the solution’s scalability and flexibility. Montar Healthtech, with its user-centric, expert-driven, and business-focused approach, can be your trusted technology partner if you need further guidance! 

Explore our range of services to embark on your healthcare software development journey and drive innovation in healthcare delivery.

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Product

Key Takeaways

  1. Custom healthcare software development is essential for addressing the unique needs of healthcare professionals and patients.
  2. The process involves everything from prototyping and design to seamless deployment and ongoing maintenance.
  3. Types of custom healthcare software like HPMS, EHR, and Telemedicine are revolutionising patient care and operational efficiency.

Learn how to enhance your development process with interactive prototyping in our latest blog: What is Interactive Prototyping? Steps to Build an MVP for Your Healthcare Product

     4 .The choice between in-house development and outsourcing hinges on cost, expertise, and regulatory compliance.

     5. Custom software offers advantages like advanced diagnostics, enhanced security, and improved patient-provider relationships, leading to higher ROI and better                     brand image.

Dr. Aakash Doshi

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