Healthcare Software Development

Top 3 Reasons to Outsource Healthcare Software Development

Top 3 Reasons to Outsource Healthcare Software Development

Healthcare 4.0 envisions a digital transformation in the medical field, allowing patients to access records, book appointments, and pay bills through smartphones. However, realizing this vision is complex and demands cutting-edge tech integration. 

Outsourcing healthcare software development emerges as a smart strategy, saving resources and providing access to top talent and technology. This blog explores why outsourcing is wise, offering benefits such as specialized skills, faster launch times, and cost-effectiveness. 

When choosing an outsourcing partner, consider factors like experience, portfolio, team, communication, and quality assurance. For a seamless medical software development journey, choose Montar Healthtech, a trusted partner with expertise in various software services.


Imagine a landscape where medical records are instantly accessible, operations are smooth and transactions are executed with a tap.

This streamlined efficiency is the goal of Healthcare 4.0,marking the industry's advanced digital transformation to elevate care delivery. Aside from the difference it brings to health outcomes and process efficiency, these digital health initiatives are impacting the bottom line as well. Studies show that the global digital healthcare market is expected to reach $504.4 billion by 2025- Deloitte reports that healthcare stakeholders hope to achieve a better patient experience as their top KPI through an outside-in approach.

To ride this wave, you must identify a gap in medical operations that requires a digital health solution and determine the right technology stack that can be used to build the solution. However, many healthcare organizations face challenges in custom healthcare software development and implementation. They often struggle to decide whether they should hire a tech team for in-house development or outsource the project to a digital health partner, instead.

While both options have their pros and cons, in this blog, we will explore the top three reasons why outsourcing healthcare software development may be a  wise decision for healthcare organizations hoping to make a mark in the health tech space.


Custom Healthcare Software Development

Balancing Demand With Supply

The healthcare industry is facing a great demand for reliable digital solutions that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. In fact, the medical software market is expected to reach USD 104.1 billion by 2030. 

However, not all medical software is created equal. With so many options available in the market , how do you make sure your digital health solution stands out? 

The answer is simple -  By developing medical software that is:

  • Scalable: It should handle increasing data volume and complexity while adapting to changing user needs and preferences.
  • Interoperable: Your solution should seamlessly communicate and exchange data with other healthcare systems, complying with the healthcare industry standards and regulations.  
  • Reliable: It must consistently perform securely, preventing and recovering from errors and failures.

Choosing the Right Development Approach

When it comes to building software solutions for healthcare, companies have two main options: developing them in-house or outsourcing them to a reliable vendor. While the former may seem appealing, it comes with many drawbacks and challenges, such as:

  • High initial investment: Setting up the infrastructure, purchasing licenses, and acquiring tools and technologies can be costly.
  • Time-consuming process: Developing software internally can take longer than expected, delaying the time-to-market and affecting the competitive advantage.
  • Limited expertise: The in-house team may lack the necessary skills and experience to deliver healthcare specific  software solutions that cater to the nuances of the industry. 
  • Difficulty attracting talent: Finding and retaining qualified developers can be challenging, especially in a competitive job market. This may result in a shortage of resources and increased turnover.
  • Distraction from core business: Developing software in-house can divert  attention and resources from its primary goals and responsibilities.
  • Maintenance and support: The inhouse team is responsible for the ongoing maintenance, updates, and technical support of the software, which can be resource-intensive and time-consuming.
  • Scalability challenges: As the company grows, the in-house team may struggle to scale the software to meet the increasing demands and user base.
  • Lack of external perspective: The internal development team may have a limited view of user needs and market trends, potentially resulting in a product that does not meet the expectation of the target audience.
  • Opportunity cost: The time and resources spent on in-house development could be used elsewhere in the organization, potentially hindering other critical projects and initiatives.

Given these potential hurdles, it may be more viable to look for external talent who can offer you the expertise, speed, and flexibility you need for your healthcare software development project.

3 Benefits of Outsourcing Healthcare Enterprise Software Development

The IT outsourcing market share is expected to grow $98 billion by 2024. Here are the three benefits of outsourcing healthcare software development

1. Access to Specialized Skills

Outsourcing healthcare software development taps into the expertise of seasoned developers familiar with industry-specific challenges. These professionals not only possess technical know-how but also have a deep understanding of healthcare processes, compliance, and security. By outsourcing, you gain access to a diverse pool of pre-vetted experts with extensive experience in medical software development.

2. Faster Launch Times

According to a report by Forbes, growing an in-house staff typically requires more time. A healthcare software development provider can assist you in accelerating the development process and launching your software sooner. By leveraging distributed teams, you can benefit from faster results, as they can work around the clock and across different time zones. 

This can help you gain a competitive edge in the healthcare market, where time is often of the essence. When you outsource healthcare software development, you also eliminate the delays caused by the recruitment process, onboarding, and unforeseen technical challenges that may occur with in-house development.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Outsourcing healthcare software development can significantly reduce the development costs compared to in-house hiring.  By outsourcing, you can avoid the expenses associated with setting up the infrastructure, purchasing software licenses, acquiring tools and technologies, and paying salaries and benefits to in-house developers. 

You can also minimize the overhead costs of office space, hardware, and ongoing training. Moreover, outsourcing allows you to access talent on demand, without spending time and money on recruitment, onboarding, and trainingrecruits when their skills don’t match the project requirements.

Factors to Consider While Choosing a Healthcare Web App Development Company

Choosing a healthcare web app development company is a crucial decision that can make or break your healthcare IT project. You need to find a reliable and trustworthy partner that can deliver high-quality and secure software solutions that meet your specific needs and challenges. 

Here are some factors to consider while choosing the best service-provider for custom software development for healthcare:

Experience and Expertise

Assess the company’s relevant field experience and successful projects in software development for healthcare

Evaluate their technology expertise and industry knowledge, and how they can apply them to your project. You can ask them about their previous clients, their challenges, their solutions, and their outcomes.

Portfolio and Case Studies

Review the quality and diversity of the company’s previous work and how it reflects their skills and capabilities. 

Gauge their experience in healthcare industry projects and how they have addressed the specific requirements and regulations of the sector. You can ask them to show you their portfolio and case studies of similar projects they have done before.

Team Composition and Skills

Ensure that the company has a skilled team of developers, designers, and project managers who can work on your project. 

Assess their collaboration and teamwork capabilities, and how they communicate with each other and with you. You can ask them about their team structure, roles, responsibilities, and qualifications.

Communication and Collaboration

Before you choose a company for developing medical software, evaluate their effective communication channels and responsiveness, and how they keep you updated on the project progress. 

Make sure that they understand your requirements and feedback, and that they are open to suggestions and changes. You can ask them about their communication tools, frequency, methods, and feedback mechanisms.

Project Management Approach

Inquire about the company’s development process, timelines, and milestones, and how they ensure a structured and well-defined approach for smooth progress. 

Check if they follow modern methodologies in design thinking like DevOps and Agile management, which can help you develop your project from ideation to launch in a fast and efficient way. You can ask them about their project management methodology, tools, frameworks, and standards.

At Montar Healthtech, we use DevOps and Agile management to develop your project from ideation to launch. To find out more, check out our blog here.

Reputation and Reviews

Research the company’s online reviews, testimonials, and ratings, and how they reflect their reliability, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. 

Gauge their reputation in the market, their awards and recognitions, and their references. You can ask them for testimonials from previous clients, or check online platforms.

Scalability and Future Support

Assess the company’s capability to scale your software solution according to your future needs and user base. 

Ensure that they provide post-development support, updates, and enhancements for your software solution. You can ask them about their scalability options, maintenance plans, support packages, and warranty terms.

Quality Assurance and Testing 

Inquire about the company’s testing procedures for app performance and security, and how they ensure that your software solution meets the highest quality standards. 

Check if they follow the best practices of quality assurance such as code reviews, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, user acceptance testing, etc. You can ask them about their testing tools, techniques, metrics, and reports.

These are some of the factors that you should consider while choosing a healthcare web app development company. 

Considering a healthcare web app development company? Dive deeper into our article on the pivotal role of developers and key factors in selecting the right team.


Choosing a tech partner for your healthcare enterprise software development is not an easy task. You need to consider various factors such as experience, expertise, portfolio, team, communication, project management, reputation, scalability, quality, and more. However, finding a team proficient in various software services can simplify the process and ensure a successful outcome.

If you are looking for custom healthcare software development services. Montar Healthtech’s wide range of expertise covers all stages and cycles of the development process, ensuring a seamless and successful journey for your healthcare solutions. Whether you need a cloud-based platform, a mobile app, a web portal, or a data analytics tool, we have an expert team that has done it all! all.

Don’t just take our word for it. Find out what our clients say about their experience with the Montar Healthtech team! Check out our testimonials and case studies here and see how we can help you achieve your healthcare IT goals.

Key Takeaways

  1. Outsourcing healthcare software development can provide healthcare organizations with specialized skills, faster launch times, and cost-effectiveness.
  2. Choosing the right healthcare web app development partner involves considering factors such as experience, expertise, portfolio, team composition, communication, project management, reputation, scalability, quality assurance, and testing. 
  3. Montar Healthtech is an ideal healthcare enterprise software development partner, offering a wide range of expertise to ensure the success of healthcare solutions, including mobile apps, web portals, and data analytics tools.
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Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani
Dr. Lakshmi Vaswani

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